A challenge: finding a fair review for L. Ron Hubbard’s educational books for kids

I have now read “Learning How to Learn”. Man-o-man. I will be posting a more in-depth (and more hilarious than I could ever have dreamed of) review here in a day or two, but I think I can pretty much summarize the work with a quote from the final line in the book:

“It is very well done that you have learned this.”

Mmkay, whatever, dude. You sound like Ralph Wiggum:

"Me fail English? That’s unpossible!

Among his many accomplishments, Hubbard was an illiterate!

A good news, bad news update:


Tuckerfan, I still have not contacted your brother because it seems that it is not as serious as I thought… yet, and I’m still investigating the level of influence Scientology has here. In any case, I will contact him soon.

There are 1.3 Billion Muslims in the world, of whom maybe 5% (65 Million) are of the fanatical variety who would like nothing better than to, no shit, right now, kill me dead. Against that we have 500 thousand Scientologists who are “relentless, wealthy and gaining more power every day”, so much so that they spend their time suing people who point out that L. Ron was a poopy head and starving the odd cultists at their Florida compound. Yet, you contend that it’s Scientology that I should be worried about. That’s like going to the rodeo and being gored because you focused your entire attention on the clowns and not the bulls. Whatever you say Champ.

Have Islamic fundamentalists infiltrated the US Government, including the FBI, and the IRS? Have they gained influence and even control of major US corporations? Do they have heavily guarded bases and underground bunkers scattered throughout the country? Are they an absolutely unified group with a single minded mission? The answer to all of these is no.

Of course we should worry about Muslims, but the way Scientology operates, by the time folks like you start worrying, it will be too late, champ. They are in yer router, sniffing yer packets. They are in yer insurance company, reading yer medical history. They are in yer media, censoring yer news and entertainment. And now they want in yer schools to propagandize yer children with Hubbard’s lunacy. I call that all that a threat.

Scientology makes the Branch Davidians look like a retarded girl scout troop. If the Davidians were a threat, Scientology is a major menace, and they are all the more dangerous becuase what they do, they do quietly.

Do some investigation.

I am very aware as to exactly what the clams are up to, thank you very much. I just don’t see it as much of a threat. At it’s heart Scientology is nothing more than a con designed to suck money out of the pockets of the gullible. Everything they do is to that end. They’ve skirted the law so far but haven’t really broken it. One of these days they’ll fall over that line and the law will fall on them like a ton of bricks, and not all of the people they’ve “infiltrated(ooooooh! scary!)” into the FBI or the IRS or the ASPCA will change that. You’re talking about a half million people that 90% of the rest of the country thinks are nuts anyway, it’s not like the masses will rush to their defense. I. Don’t. See. Any. Threat. What are you worried about, that they’ll convert people to their wacko religion? Who cares? In this country you have a right to believe in a wacko religion if you want, and wacko religions have the right to recruit for members. Tell me, what is this huge threat that you see? The US turning into a Scientologist theocracy? Riiiiight.