Here’s an old one which was a new one to me since I only heard it yesterday:
“If a chicken and a half can lay an egg and a half in a day and a half, how long would it take a grasshopper with a wooden leg to kick out all the seeds from a dill pickle?”
There obviously is no way to get an answer to that.
However, rephrasing the OP:
“If a chicken and a half can lay an egg and a half in a day and a half, how long would it take one chicken to lay one egg?”
Even Marilyn Vos Savant got this one wrong.
But I have to wonder:
If you are driving down the road on a motorcycle and a monkey in a wheelchair breaks in while you are rubbing on your cat’s legs, and he starts violently beating the rubber chicken with the barbecued dog’s tail, what would you do?
Roadwalker - CORRECT !!!
As I said, Marilyn Vos Savant got that wrong and I and a great many other people wrote to her (12 years ago) to let her know of her mistake. When she’s right (like that Door 1, 2 and 3 problem) she highlights it week after week and brags how other smart types (professors, mathematicians, scientists) got the “Door problem” wrong. Her apology when she was in error? A few sentences at the bottom of one of her next column which ended “Nice catch guys”. :rolleyes: