A couple of questions for straight guys

I cannot foresee any reason an erect penis would be out in the wild unless it has a purpose. In the case of group sex and things of that nature, fine. I can even imagine some unexpected perspectives of other guys erections at a bachelor party gone wild (hookers or strippers).

But circle jerk-offs, masturbating with porn while in the company of others, demonstrations of how to masturbate…

…that was just not kosher in my neck of the woods. I am not a prude by any extent of the imagination, but I do prefer nakedness to be kept to one’s self or otherwise, others who have a purpose of seeing you naked. This goes x 2 for erect body parts.

Never have I ever.

P.S. I dont think any of the aforementioned circumstances are “gay” weird. I just don’t think that is how you should handle your junk. Being in the presence of another man’s erect penis doesn’t make you gay.

Yet another “never” vote.

Maybe it’s a regional, cultural thing, but the circle jerks and community spanking some people are describing is not something I ever encountered growing up, and my formative years ranged across an extremely broad geographical spectrum. In any teenage-guy community I ever lived, spanking with another guy would have been seen as unequivocally gay, no arguments, no appeals. I’m not saying that attitute was correct, obviously, but there definitely would have been a homophobic backlash against any guy who even made the suggestion to another group of guys. If any guys ever paired off and did it, they sure didn’t tell anybody about it.

Did you go to Sunnydale High with Buffy and Willow?

My apologies. I totally read your statement wrong.

I read that as being a list, when you were simply clarifying that you weren’t including seeing erections as part of the socialization process.

I still disagree with your premise, but not nearly as much so as when I thought you were implying every male adolescent should hang around multiple erect penises.

For the record, my buddies and I shared porn mags and looked at them together growing up, but the thought of touching our penises together never even crossed our minds.

Heehee. Might want to recheck that wording.

It would seem that way for me, too, although I don’t talk to other guys about sex and certainly have never looked at porn with them.

Vox Imperatoris

Straight or gay, I don’t think I’m going out on a limb when I suggest that, in *this *regard, you are the exception rather than the rule. :smiley:

We watched porn movies together rather often from middle school right up through our college years (again, the penises didn’t get exposed unless it was about to be placed in a member of the opposite sex). Once in a while when in the my friends’ dorms, some one outside the normal group would say (usually while drunk) that they jerked off with other guys in middle school then backpedal furiously. I’m guessing it’s not common but not too much of a leap to make.

I dunno… I’m pretty irreverent around good friends, and we never talk about sex explicitly. We might talk about women, what’s hot or not, or even throw out a crude comment… but never the details of our personal experiences, or what we like and don’t like to do in the sack.


Vox Imperatoris is a teenager in high school – I guess that’s a bit of required knowledge to understand the implied “…rather than the rule, among boys in high school.”

Either way, it was just a joke. :slight_smile:

Ahh, I gotchya.

In school, we were advised to shower after gym class, but nobody ever did. The year we had swim class, we would all change from underwear to bathing suit while facing straight ahead, no words spoken. Except for one guy who even at the young age of 14 had a dick of porn proportions, and proudly paraded it around the locker room.

But in the spirit of the OP, never did I see a live erect one, as in, right there in the same room with me, until I was in my late 20’s and my friend and I shared a girl one night. I’m pretty sure I haven’t been in the same room with another exposed erection before or since.

And never, ever, did I or anyone I knew of participate in a circle jerk or whack off to porn together.

I can’t recall any time - and I suspect I would.

I was certain that it was never, until I thought about it. There were no circle jerks in my circle, that’s for sure. But, I have seen live sex shows in Sydney and Amsterdam, so yeah, I have seen an erect weiner.

Nope, never seen one.

Except change the age to “almost 41”.


I’m not seeing the funny part?

We’d find a stash of one of our dads’, and look at them and giggle. But we never thought of rubbing our penises together, or of touching our respective penises individually. Am I wearing blinders that are making me miss something?


It sounded like you had only meant touching yourselves individually but worded it in such a way as to suggest actually making penis-to-penis contact.

Apparently you intended to do that, so…ok…I don’t think anyone had said anything about going that far, though. That’s going beyond the OP’s question about seeing one and moving into actual homosexual experiences.