A Crosswords Thread

Thank you again, but I’ve just noticed that every time I click there are different definitions with different solutions, obviously.

Yeah, I guess we’d have to find a free crossword site that has puzzles that stay stable in their URLs.

Enjoy your breakfast!

That’s like a NYT Monday puzzle, the easiest. And without all the puns.

It would be stable if you just enter a puzzle number.

But I agree that the puzzles are very easy.

Breakfast ova: EGGS
What a Die Hard quarterback might be: TOAST
Corn Flakes kind of killer? : SERIAL
Ebert did this to baked treats: PANCAKES
Race cars need this: JUICE
Hot beverage: COFFEE

Hey, this is fun! Wonder if we can make something out of this.

Sure, but PlaceboTarget is a newbie at American puzzles. Let’s get him eased into them.

Changes his mind about what he wants for breakfast: WAFFLES
Tasty torus: BAGEL
Killer Qrtrbck and bkfst bevrg: OJS
Party Paper: CREPE
Food for a hangry horse: OATS

Great, needscoffee! I like it! (And WAFFLES is particularly clever.)

Actually, I’ve got an idea for a crossword game that just might work. Similar to the Caption Contest, one person states a solution word, and everybody tries to contribute clues. Best clue (like your one for WAFFLES in relation to breakfast) gets to choose the next word.

What does anybody think?

That’s a cute idea. Sounds fun.

I’m on it. Stand by…

Chinese chowdery choice: CONGEE
What real men don’t eat for breakfast: QUICHE
All up mixed: SCRAMBLED
What Ahnold eats for breakfast when he’s performing in Shakespeare: OMELET
What kind of eggs Sam Spade eats: HARDBOILED
Eggs eaten out of season: POACHED

It’s up now. Let’s play!

Wow. :slight_smile:

:+1: :+1: :+1:

Of course we can. :slight_smile:



I agree with this idea. I think it has a lot of potential.
Let’s see where this can lead. And probably you should be the first to post the word to define.
I may be an enthusiast, but I’m not as good as other people here. :slight_smile:


Very clever!

All right, all this brainstorming seems to have led to the launch of this new great thread game. :slight_smile:

It has also made me think of ways to improve my own thread game, but before I expound on them, I think I should give the solution to the crossword puzzle I posted somewhere up there:


As I was saying, the brainstorming above has made me realize a couple problems with the present game thread which I will try to find solutions to in this post.

  1. A crossword puzzle game thread may not be such a good idea because making crossword puzzles is few people’s cup of tea. It is time consuming and complicated. This part must be radically simplified.
  2. My posting my own creations is a dead end because the thread game should be about crossword puzzles not about me making crossword puzzles. Therefore, I must come up with something universal and accessible.

This should be the new KISS – “Keep It Simple&Smart!” :blush:

Okay, I’ve thought of something already but I’m not sure whether people will go with this or not. Simplification and accessibility refers to both the process of creation and the manner in which the puzzle can be represented in the thread.

Now, the simplest crossword puzzle would be one with two words: one across, and one down. Here are some examples:



Whereas anybody can come up with a two-word puzzle like that, I think the second of the two above is easier to represent in a post here.

S ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
DOWN: Featherless bipeds. ACROSS: Bubbling.

The final idea for the thread game is that one should post the structure of a simple crossword puzzle as the one in my last example, revealing the letter where the two words intersect and giving the clues for the two words. The first person to guess these two words wins the round and gets to post the next puzzle.

What do you think of my new brilliant idea?

I know, right? :slight_smile:

Okay, then. I’ll post the first puzzle. It’s simple; it’s fun. Please participate!

R ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

DOWN: This is where you can see the invisible man.
ACROSS: An activity performed by either the dumbest animal or the smartest one.

Well, I’ve just made a crossword puzzle in case someone wants to participate. :slight_smile:


1. Pale brown. [6 letters]
2. Are you? (abbrev.). [2 letters]
3. Userpic. [6 letters]
4. Hunger. [6 letters]
5. Used by Chicago commuters. [2 letters]
6. Vamps. [6 letters]
7. Teasing remarks (pl.). [6 letters]
8. Junior to an admiral (abbrev.). [2 letters]
9. A writer of the US Constitution. [6 letters]
10. Of zero help. [6 letters]
11. Andaman and Nicobar Islands (abbrev.). [2 letters]
12. An exit. [6 letters]

Please post your answers or questions.

Well, I’m stumped.