Inspired by this thread, but hopefully less rancorous given the forum. badchad, in my post in the pit thread I’ve stated the conditions under which I am willing to discuss this topic with you outside the pit.
I call myself a Christian, though in the view of many I am not. I disbelieve in the Virgin Birth, you see, and I am agnostic about the Resurrection but inclidned to disbelieve it. I don’t believe in miracles and have no opinionon life after death, as I have no data at present and prefer not to have such data, as it would involve dying and that tends to be painful or at least undignified.
Here’s what I believe, just off the top of my head and in no particular order.
There is a God, by which I mean a creator of the universe who acts exclusively )(or nearly so) through natural law. This Person is mostly incomprehensible to humans for the same reason that differential equations are incomprehensible to frogs. It is utterly inaccurate and misleading to call God He, or She for htat matter, but do whatever floats your boat. God has vast power but is not “omnipotent” in the sense of being able to do anything that can be expressed in words. For one thing, that’s because a nonsense sentence does not stop being nonsense because “God” is its subject. God cannot make invisible pink unicorns because invisibility & pinkness are contradictory attributes; in the same way, God cannot give a creature free will while withholding free will from it.
To the limited extent that God intervenes in human history, it is through oral revelation. This is expressed differently in differnt cultures, and no culture has a monopoly or anything near to it on being right or wrong on moral issues. Different persons have different needs and thus are attracted to different philosophical frameworks. (That’s ot to say that all philosophies are equally valid; f’instance, the best thign I have to say about Zeno of Elea is that he must have had some really good weed.
The Bible is a book of myth, poetry, moral philosophy, fiction, and a smattering of history. Some of it is beautiful and enobling and wise. Some of it is crap that no one should take seriously, and yes, John Hagee, I’m talking to you.
Jesus of Nazareth propounded not a few wise and ennobling things that the world would be much better off if everyone followed. But not everything attributed to him was said by him, and even some of the things he did say he might have reconsidered recording given access to a PowerBook and Word for Macs.
The sermon on the mount is largely what I’d like to base my ethics on. I fail constantly. Stupid human limitations.
Hell–that’s a town in Michigan, right?
Heaven–that’s a town in Iowa, right?
The story of the Deluge only makes sense if you stipulate that Yahweh retained the Green Lantern Corps to do the donkey work.
Ruth & Naomi were not lovers. As for David & Jonathan, it was just that one time and they were both drunk. Okay, it was twelve times, but they were still always drunk.
It’s way too late for me to continue this, so i’m going to post it, post the link in the Pit thread for Badchad, thendo something else.