A fond farewell to RateMyBoobies.com


Well, it seems that the nice folks over at ratemyboobies.com have closed up shop and left us voyeurs in the lurch.
They’re blaming this on Dubya and regulations instituted by Alberto Gonzales.

It couldn’t POSSIBLY be that they’ve just grown tired of boobies?

And, don’t get me wrong… GrizzWife has quite a nice set on her as well!
She saw no harm in me visiting the site as it was just harmless fun.


Wait! No one told me harmless ever posted there!


Thaaaaaaanks for the mammaries…

Some of the galleries at www.rotten.com have also fallen victim to this peice of legislation.

What legislation?

Meanwhile, ratemypenis.com is still alive and well. It probably won’t be the same type of thrills but it will alow you to switch sides and contribute thereby giving back some of the joy you received. You may even win a blue ribbon!

I reiterate World Eater…what legislation? They have taken away free, harmless boobies. The cosmos, she will soon be out of whack (har).

Here is what appears on the pages of www.rotten.com:

But I just found out that the site existed. Damnit!!!

It’s on ratemyboobies, not rotten. Unless it’s on some sub-page of rotten I didn’t see.

At a quick glance, the practice was instituted to tighten down on potential child porn.

Not quite an horrible attack, of course is not cutting into my bottom line either.

Link to US code in question

I get it. It would appear that ratemyboobies.com needs to have physical proof that each pair of boobies belongs to an adult, has to have it available at their premises, wherever that is, and has to attach the location of their premises to anything available to the public.

It seems that this will be impossible for a site like ratemyboobies, but fairly easy for, say hustlerdotcom or hotasianteens. I wonder if that’s what the law was intended to do.

And yet ratemycameltoe is still up and running.

Maybe they found a small crevice in the law upon which to base their site.

Sorry, that’s bullshit, Osip. Commercial child porn in the US is already dead as the dodo. The cops have had every tool they ever wanted to get rid of child porn. Show me the flourishing US child porn websites. You can’t, they aren’t there. What child porn exists in the US is peddoes trading pics, and the reg does fuck-all about that. It was always aimed straight at censoring adult stuff on the Web, and it’s working too.

Child porn. Piffle. Some people would salute the Cops-can-rape-your-wife Act so long as it was labelled “against child porn.”

We’re getting into Great Debate territory but I’m sure the legislators involved realized this law would have no effect on child porn, which is already illegal and virtually non-existent on the internet or any other source for mainstream porn. This law was probably intended as an attack on mainstream porn - not by banning it outright, which might have raised a First Amendment stir, but by passing regulations that are intentionally difficult to comply with.

Excellent! I am sure that this will finally curtail the desire that people have to see nudity.


<blink blink>

Brother, remind me to buy you a drink at Pacers!

Yes. Desire to see naked boobies fading…fading…fading…

File that thought under Chance, Fat.

Ha ha, no.
