A Foot Cramp MMP

Actually toes I guess; one of those where one toe wants to go one direction and all the rest the other? Bad enough to wake me up at 4am my time; bad enough to wish on (insert the name of your least favorite politician here). So since no one else indicated a start, consider it done and hijack away!

I’ve never been wakened by a foot cramp, but I’ve had major-league Charley horses jolt me from my slumber. It may not be the worst pain in the world, but it is one of the worst ways to be rousted from dreamland. Fortunately, it’s been a while. Unfortunately, I think I just cursed myself… oh well.

Countdown to Saturday. I’ve started a list of stuff to remember. I’ve got the check for the cat-sitter on the fridge. I’ve printed out instructions for Higgs to give to my mom. Still thinking about what to pack - that’ll be settled on Firday.

Meanwhile, I’m in the office and I’ll do what I can before I leave. Happy Moanday, all!!

Happy Moonday!

I’ve been up since 4:30 ad can’t get back to sleep, so here I am.

It’s a dark 59 degrees outside, going up to 81 later today. We have four days predicted to be in the 80s, so one of those days the dog will get a bath and his toenails clipped.

I really though we were going to lose the dog over the weekend. He had two seizures and was having a rough time. He was disoriented and walking into things. Then yesterday he seemed to snap back to normal. He’s still acting a bit weird, he is clingy with me, but if I pet him he will move to where I can’t reach him. I finally figured out he wants to be close to me but he doesn’t want me to pet him.
Such a strange dog.

Nothing special to do today. I need to order groceries, and all the usual stuff that needs to be done; vacuum, load the dishwasher, maybe wash a few clothes…

Another beautiful week in the neighborhood. I’m going to try to go on a short drive today; at this point, the only thing really keeping me housebound is difficulty in getting outside. I’m not going far, and I’m going through a drive-thru. I have stuff tomorrow that I have to drive to, so it’s gotta happen.

As far as foot pain goes, last night wasn’t the best night ever, but it was far from the worst. There’s no reason why I can’t go back to work; whatever pain I have is minimal and easily managed, but the orthopedic surgeon won’t give me the return-to-work note until I see him next week. The worst thing that happened last night was that I had to get up to go to the bathroom at 2:30 in the morning, and it was difficult to get back to sleep because I couldn’t quite get comfortable. The incisions are healing, which means they itch and sting, and no matter how I position my foot, it’s not comfortable.

Once I did get back to sleep, I had a dream where I was married to Chris Christie’s Orthodox Jewish son. :eek: I don’t want to know which fetid swamp of my subconscious that came from.

I shall fix breakfast forthwith, and settle in for another fun-filled day of TV.

I got woken up at 3 am by my poison ivy rash itching. I took half a Benadryl and slathered it with Calagel when I got up 3.5 hours later.

Today I revise a story and take my recycling to the transfer station. I need to get it out of the house because I keep throwing empty cans at the television when the national news is on.

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN I slept in until seven-thirty this mornin’. :eek: ‘Tis 63 Amurrkin out and foggy with a predicted high of 89 and sunny for the day. Temps will creep into the low 90s this week and still no rain in sight. We need rain! Today’s big plan is men’s night over to the church house, thus steaks are marinatin’ and beer is chillin’. I should and probably will vacuum and dust da cave as well.

ruble ouch! Interestin’ enough, I woke durin’ the night cause of a laig cramp. I took some stuff I have called “Leg Cramp” which is in tablet form and tastes like quinine. So I guess I eased a laig cramp and fended off malaria at the same time. :smiley:

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then I suppose I should go about cave duties and at some point purtify for whatever the day offers.

Happy Moanday Y’all!

Up, caffeinated, and sheveled. Closing shift tonight.

I once had leg cramps while sleeping in a waterbed. The only thing worse than extreme leg pain is extreme leg pain with seasickness throw in.

I’ve had a few nocturnal charlie horses and they will make the dead rise. Horrible. The pain lingers even after the cramp is gone.

I got nothin.’ Supposed to be 81 today and it’s hoomid. The a/c went back on last night and I slept with an ice pack. I’m so tired of summer.


muscle cramps and I are old frenemies. I get them in my feet, lower legs, upper legs, neck, shoulders, hands, lower back, … All of my muscles have cramped at one time or another and will continue to do so as long as I live. I’m, sad to say, used to it, and I know the warning signs.

blurf count me in the leg cramp sufferers group. Nothing worse in the middle of the night than a leg cramp.

Happy Moanday!

Slept until 0730 this morning…maybe I am finally getting the hang of this retirement thing…

Like butters and others, I get leg cramps instead of foot cramps (I can’t imagine how much that’s gotta hurt, ruble.) They are bad enough to jolt me out of a sound sleep, but fortunately they only hit a couple of times a year (hope I haven’t jinxed myself).

FCM, you’re not looking forward to this trip much, are you? ;):p:cool:

Looks to be a pleasant week until Thorsday, highs in the 80F range, then rain and cooler weather for the weekend. We’ll see how good the weather mages are…

Not at all. Why would I look forward to 9 days where I don’t have to decide what to cook, don’t have to clean up afterwards, don’t have a dog waking me, don’t have to scoop a cat box, don’t have to clean anything but myself, don’t have to do anything if I don’t want to - yeah, why would I look forward to that??

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Mr. and Mrs. Irish Storyteller are talking about taking a cruise with a bunch of family and friends next year for their belated honeymoon/first anniversary present. I’ve never really wanted to take a cruise (partly because of the pollution issues) but what you’re talking about here makes it sound extremely worthwhile.

This will be my 4th cruise, and I absolutely love it as a vacation. We have paid our fare, prepaid our tips, and we’ve got a $25 credit to our cabin which we can spend however we want on the ship. There will be dining room dining, buffet dining, room service, if we were so inclined, several snack bars, and even optional fancy-pants restaurant dining for an additional fee. Plus entertainment, dancing, karaoke, trivia contests, lectures, pools, hot tubs, music, quiet places to sit and watch the ocean go by - and then there are the ports, if you decide to go ashore and take a tour or wander around or whatever.

Including all fees and the optional trip insurance, it’s costing us just over $100 per day per person. Had we waited till a couple of weeks ago to book, it would have cost even less - if they’ve got cabins to fill, they drop the price the closer to sailing time it gets, so you pay a bit of a premium to have a guaranteed reservation. Anyway, as far as I’m concerned, you’d be hard-pressed to find a better deal. Unless you drink - THAT can get $$$$. But we don’t, nor do we gamble in the casino. I’m pretty sure we’re the kinds of passengers they’d like to keep to a minimum. :smiley:

Tried the usual OTC and no help there but these bad ones are rare enough for me that I don’t worry about it much. What works for mine is pressure; I’ll sit at the computer and basically press down for all I’m worth or walk around a little. This one ripped up my sleep pattern bad enough that I didn’t actually get up until almost 10.

Howdy Y’all! Da cave is somewhat spiffed. Go Me! I’m tryin’ to make that a weekly routine thing now and so far it ain’t so bad. Not everything has to be done at one time and in one day even. I figure as long as I keep the dust and crud to a minimum it’s all good. :smiley:

Bought the groceries. Heading out to the farm to retrieve more of Mama’s hoard for resale. Please pray to your favorite deity that I don’t beat my mother as we sort through each box for the fourteenth time and she dithers again over what to get rid of. Personally, I’m ready to just build a giant bonfire, but I’m trying to be patient…

I feel like we’re just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic! (Also, my mom’s version of “get to work bright and early” has thus far included cancelling Saturday, 2 pm yesterday, and still waiting for her at 1pm today. I had hoped to be free to take the girls to the fair parade this afternoon, but I guess not, dingdangdogit!)

Shady Pines, Ma…

swampy, since I’ve moved, I have set up a regular weekday housekeeping schedule too. Having the extra hour daily that used to be taken up in commuter time and a washer/dryer in house means that my weekends are pretty much mine.

It’s a special project day here at irk. Kinda nice for a while.

**Peaches **- I’ve got kinda the opposite with my mom. She’s been steadily ridding herself of stuff, trying to fob it off on me and my sibs. I’ve got 10 fancy tea cups that I volunteered to try to sell for her. Nary a nibble and she won’t take them back! <headdesk>

Bonfire to incinerate the hoard…or Mama’s pyre? :eek:
Today at irk is so slow it’s backwards…& I’ve got lots of stuff I could be doing at home but not allowed to irk from there. :frowning: