A friend of mine is working to oust Roy Blunt

I went to a Democratic Party meeting last night to hear one of Barack O.'s[sup]*[/sup] campaign people speak. An old schoolmate of mine (sat in front of me in sophomore English) was there. She’s working for a candidate for the Dem nomination for (US House Minority Whip) Roy Blunt’s Congressional seat.

She had printouts from a research poll they’d commissioned, & she said she’d thought she was going to be working for whatever sacrificial lamb the Dems put forth, but now she thinks they could win.

Which is cool.

I mean, obviously as a conservationist, I’m less than thrilled with Mr Blunt. But really, I just think six terms in the House is enough. I wish him well, & hope he can make a higher income in the private sector than he has been in legislation–& honestly this time!

[sup]*[/sup] Now with whole grain oats!

Am I the only one who thought this was about Roy Blunt, Jr. of Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me fame?

No, you aren’t (though it’s actually Roy Blount Jr.).

Yup I thought it was a typo for Roy Blount too.

No, no, I* like* Roy Blount, Jr.

Oh, look, I found an email from my Congressman from back on May 1, with a yes/no poll question:

“With gas prices at $3.60 nationally, and on a steady march toward $4, would you support responsible energy development in the Arctic, and in areas far offshore, if it would mean cheaper prices and less dependence on foreign, unstable nations?”

Wow, that’s a lot of qualifying phrases, Roy. Well, no. No I wouldn’t. Besides the fact that any such effect is negligible, I want to save that for our descendants.
