Someone in a thread linked to this website io9. I had never heard of it but now I find myself checking it a few times a week. Just fun updates on geek-oriented science and pop-culture topics.
Check out the link above for a look at a working flying car that actually looks cool, not a horse designed by committee…
I call bogus. How do the wings reach their retracted state when they do not appear to pivot vertically and the tailplanes do not appear to pivot at all, yet are a foot higher than the line of the wing plane?
Bump. I took a minute to watch the video, which is way cool and pretty much proves that either someone’s got a hell of a CGI workstation or the thing really does drive like a car and fly like a plane.
But there’s a peculiar cut between car mode and the wings expanding - the clip starts with the wings already spreading out, with no answer to my question above. If there isn’t something bogus about this - e.g., the transformation is more difficult than implied, or even that there are two separate vehicles - how do the wings cross the tailplanes?
It may even be that the wings are flexible and the operator has to manually walk each wing over the tail - which is too inelegant to show. But National Inquirer minds want to know.