My friends, there are several issues which perturb me, which I would like to discuss forthwith. Please rest assured that, notwithstanding of verbal threats I may issue here, I have no intention of chopping the following breeds of cretins up for dog-food. I may, however, fantasize about it.
That said:
Cretin #1: When I am at a grocery store and my purchases are being rung up by the cashier, I often fil out the check in advance, so that when the total is divulged, I’ll only need to fill in the amount. This will certainly speed things up. My complaint is with either the gentleman or lady in line behind me who seems to harbor some vain hope of speeding up the process even more by inching up behind me closely enough that I can sense their smelly, fetid breath on my neck. I don’t appreciate it and I don’t like the idea that they’re looking as I write the check. I wish to say this to them with all possible respect and as calm a demeanor as possible: “Back off. Get away from me. You’re presumably a grown up and familiar with the concept of ‘personal space’. Live it, learn it, use it, lest my elbow ‘accidentally’ impact your midsection.”
Cretin #2: We have an elevator at work. When I ride it, I stand to one side before getting on so as to allow the people on the elevator to get off. I am cognizant of the fact that I can’t ride until they’ve exited. Therefore, to my fellow would-be passengers who are standing directly in front of the elevator: You’re forcing a standoff between your own lumpy body and the people trying to exit. Don’t you see that it would be far faster if you let them off before you try to get on? Also, when I’m trying to exit the elevator, same thing applies: “Back off! Get outta my way. Shoo!”
Cretin #3: We’ve discussed this before, and yet it’s still worth mentioning again: If you’re wearing so much perfume/cologne/stinky-stuff that my eyes are bleeding from the smell, or so much that I can follow your trail like a bloodhound (not that I would), “YOU’RE WEARING TOO MUCH. Here’s a hint…aftershave/perfume is not a universally admired lifestyle choice. A rule of thumb. If people are gagging and dropping like DDT’d flies around you, you’re probably wearing too much!”
Cretin #4: Madame, this is a nice, quiet restaurant. Or it was, until you and your female friend walked in. (You might have noticed that this wasn’t a McDonald’s. Your first clue is that the food wasn’t wrapped in paper.) Therefore, keep your voice down. I really don’t want to hear your uneducated opinions of art ("<whatshisname from the X-Files> is really a hunk, ain’t he <shrieks:>EEEEEEEEEEE! He’s SOoooOoooOo cute!"?), science (“My astro-logger(sic) said that I’d be havin’ a good time tonight. <shrieks:>EEEEEEEEEEE! And I AM! That’s SOoOOOoo amazin’!”), politics (“I still say Al Gore’s hunkier than George Bush! But <shrieks:>EEEEEEEEE! Bush won anyway!”) and religion (“I swear to GAWD that this food is SOOOoOoOoOo GOOD! <shrieks:>EEEEEEEEE! Gawd damn if it isn’t!”). Please, if you must discuss your opinions, do so [sub]sotto voce[/sub].
All of these cretins lack basic courtesy and respect for others. Were I not such a gentle soul, and the most mild-mannered of men, I would have instructed them in the nature of good manners by applying a baseball bat around their head and neck. However, I refrain. With some effort, admittedly, but…
And to you Dopers, I appreciate the opportunity to let me air my grievances. Thank you and I bid you good day.