A Gift From My Wife to All of Us

Thanks, bup, and tell Susan I said thanks, too.

Thank you for sharing. “Believe” is a word that has gotten me through some very difficult situations. I agree that it is a decision, an act, and a powerful word.

I am sorry for your profound loss but so appreciative of you sharing that part of Susan with us.

I’m very sorry for your loss, bup. You’ve shared a lovely message and in many small ways such as this, Susan will live on in your heart.

Thank you, everybody. It’s part of a conscious effort I’m making to connect memories of Susan to the present, and with things I can carry into the future.

Thank you for sharing. Stay strong.

So sorry for your loss, bup. The word “believe” will always remind me of your post now. RIP Susan.

My condolences on the loss of your wife, bup. And thanks, Susan, for your message.

**bup[//b], my wife is 48. I can’t even imagine going through what you did. I’m sure Susan was an amazing person. In this OP you show that you are as well.

bup–post on the SDMB, if you need a bunch of sympathetic ears.

May you find peace and comfort in how truly lovely your wife was, bup. Those memories make me BELIEVE that she was an incredibly wonderful person. Blessings on you. <3

You mean for general grieving? Thanks. I know.

Sorry for your loss and thank you for sharing, bup.

I’m so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing Susan with us.