Specifically, the thread titled “‘Shoeless Joe’: has it been long enough?” I tried searching with every keyword I could remember, and not just in the Great Debates forum. I came up dry. Isn’t there a way to search for a thread by specific title?
I’ve looked all over the board and I still can’t find it.
I’m at a loss to explain, dougie.
your humble TubaDiva
Yes, there is: In the “Search by Keyword” box, enter any words that you remember being in the title, and click the “Match all” radio button. Then, on the second row, there’s a pulldown labeled “Search in:” Set that for “Subject only”.
However, this doesn’t seem to help matters here, any. The “search” feature doesn’t seem to recognize any thread ever posted on any of the fora with the word “Shoeless” in the subject line. I don’t know what to tell you.
** What color is your toothbrush?**
Some of us were sure Cecil answered the original thread,
But Ukulele Ike claimed the original toothbrush thread never existed.
The original toothbrush thread never DID exist. But Soupy was so intrigued by the idea that he started it after the fact. Here’s what I said in his thread:
Look, guys. I formulated the dumbest-assed question I could think of, picked the four people least likely to respond to a question like it, and from these raw materials, crafted that post.
Sorry I sent everyone to the Search Engines. Next time I’ll add flashing neon signs reading THIS IS A JOKE.
Oh, yeah…green and white.
I see that Soupy’s toothbrush query recieved 41 responses, which is better than most of MY threads get.
I’m sure I saw that some index entries got lost in the UBB-vB conversion, and some threads scrambled.
Maybe it’s a sign from the Gods of Baseball that we all pray to. They want you to re-enlighten the masses.
A serious, but tedious option:
Now that you know the approximate date of the thread, why not search for it without using indexed words at all.
You can plug numbers into the link, going backward, to look for it. I think there weren’t nearly the number of threads in '99 as now.
Well, we know he’s not making it up because it’s referred to in this thread, too, from 2/28/00. http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?threadid=22542
Looks to me like it got swallowed up in the UBB/vB changeover. Was it insured?
Perhaps the thread was archived.
Arnold’s probably right.
::: sigh :::
your humble TubaDiva
Quoth P G B:
Just tried tried it, and if it’s there, it lasted over three months. I started with the end of September, when we know it was on the top of the list, as per Satan’s post, and moved forward from there, all the way to December 29, and I didn’t see it anywhere.
Didn’t we eventually recover all of the archived threads?
I tried a different approach, starting at
http: //boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?threadid=21720
and trying to go backwards.
But the thread numbers aren’t assigned in numerical order, I guess, because the dates of first post go back and forth.
21720 is 09-28-1999 08:02 AM
21719 is 09-26-1999 05:03 PM
21718 is 08-23-1999 07:30 AM
21717 is 09-24-1999 11:20 PM
and it gets worse from there.
I remember the thread dougy is asking about - no question that it existed.
Prior to the UBB/vB switchover there were a couple of UBB upgrades, during one of which several people (myself included) noticed that they’d lost posts. I’d assumed that some slice of time from the board’s history had gone to ether during that upgrade.