A Halloweenie MMP

I lived in the country for most of the time growing up, but we would drive into town to trick or treat.

As the single child firstborn son and grandson, I tended to get my way, and Halloween was no exception. My parents always let me do pretty much whatever I wanted. As a three-year-old I was a catwitch. My mom asked me what I wanted, and to be a catwitch was it.

As an older child I was a hobo - seemingly popular in the fifties, not so much in the early eighties.

Then, as seems a normal progression, I stumbled upon dead cat. That was pretty much the last time there was a decision to be made as regards the costume. dressing all in black- cat makeup on the face with two great X’s over the eyes and a little protruding tongue on the chin popping out of the kitty mouth… Tail the leg of a black stocking coming out over the back of the pants.

Mode of death? chalk drawn tire tracks running across the chest and abdomen, of course!

Now my daughter is following in my combo footsteps.

Last year she was a PirateVampireMermaidZombie. rather detailed costume…

Hooray for halloweeeeeeeeen!

Joyus Samhain!

Welcome guru! If you have a picture of your daughter in this costume I demand to see it! :smiley:

Dindin was good! I actually made two small meatloafs. Thus tomorrow we shall again have meatloaf but this time with steamed cabbage, smashed N.O.T. and cornbread. NUM!!!

It’s goin’ to be like 36 Amurrkin tonight! BRRRRRR!!! I even dug out a jacket to wear tomorrow mornin’. I might even turn the heat on a bit in the mornin’. I have this strange idea re turnin’ on the heat. That bein’ it shouldn’t be until December. Of course, that idea rarely pans out just as my idea that the AC shouldn’t be turned on until the week before Memorial Day rarely pans out. It’s a weird world inside my haid!

Here you go…


Thanks guru! Now if I ever happen to run into a PirateVampireMermaidZombie I’ll know what to expect. :smiley: Oh, and she’s just too adoreable!

I’m rather blah tonight.

Me, five!

::raises hand and waves it about frantically::

(seconded) but see what happens when kids can’t make up their minds?

As soon as NiL sends pics - I’ll add Jon & Abby to the pile of kute kids in kostumes

as for me - as a young’un, most of my costumes were “throw-togethers” - pink tights, white go-go boots, and an orange and pink mini dress made me a model; a black cape served for a wizard one year, a witch the next, and a vampire a third year.
I think I had princess masks once or twice.
Brother usually took us (my friends and me) around. Sis did once, I think.
My worst Hallowe’en was when I had to go out right after school, because my piano teacher was coming over at 6:30 (it was lesson day) (that was the “model” year)
Candy had to be turned in to school (for the less fortunate) but I was allowed to keep some of it - just not the open stuff or the apples because :gasp: there might be a razor blade stuff in it.
Also we collected for Unicef. Do kids still do that?

I asked the checkout girl at the market for a margarita today…

Everyone wave g’bye to Lunch as he heads for Poland…

Anyrose- you’re six-- my post had two!

check your facebook wall

Bye, Echod! Send us a postcard!

Heh. I was just coming in here to say that I wondered if it was ok to have ice cream if I already threw up dinner. Now we know why I puked.:smiley:
ETA: My dad is also in Poland for the week… Poland, Ohio.

next time, we’ll pour it over the ice cream

Halloween! A time when all the kids on your street met after dinner and went from block to block to block. Only had 2 ‘rumbles’ as a kid; one where some other streets kids were trying to chase us off and threw apples (it was the “9” of its day) and another where 3 HS kids tackled me and stole my pillowcase with candy. (I went home, got another bag, and went back out)

Today, I watch from the street, swap stories with other sidewalk Moms & Dads and complement them if they dressed up. I’m not supposed to dress up this year, but my kids Really want me to wear that Punisher outfit.

Hint: My face & Punisher shirt = Stan Lee saying its time to come back out of retirement and make another movie.

Everybody wants to be handsome. Not everybody gets what they want though…

Hmmm… I might just have some Bailey’s lying around here somewhere.

I don’t get many kids these days - when I first moved to this neighborhood, 14 years ago, I’d get fewer than a dozen - then those kids went off to college - now the new kids know not to come to my door (because I can’t do the stairs every five minutes) - besides, they’re usually done with their rounds by the time I get home.
The way I look at it, it saves me from buying bags of candy most of which I’d probably eat myself long before October 31st

a silly Hallowe’en riddle

What do ghosts like for dinner?

spookghetti and ghoulash

I found out last week there is an Atlanta, Idaho. I found this out while making a reservation and the guest in question said, “Atlanta,” when I was getting her address. “Is that Georgia?” I asked her, not having heard of any other Atlantas. "Idaho!" was the response – she sounded oddly offended.

Hey, lady, I’m not a native! I didn’t know!

swampy, dear, that’s not cold. I’d turn my heat off if the low was going to be that high! I’ll tell you when it’s cold. On the few nights so far it’s gotten into the teens – anything below 20F is definitely cold. Between 20 and 32? Pretty cold. Above freezing? Chilly. Possibly very chilly. If there’s a wind, then it feels cold.

Odd how one’s perspective changes when one moves north.

Speaking of facebook… It’s telling me that I should be saying:

Happy Birthday, Hockey Monkey!!!:D:D:D

They do, only they have a pledge sheet and go around ahead of time raising money, and then get to wear a sticker on their costume on Halloween.

Guess what I got in my son’s backpack the other week?

Why don’t ghosts like oral sex?

They have halloweenies.

It SNOWED here tonight. HTG slushballs going splat on the windshield snow! :frowning:

Happy Burfday Hockey Monkey!