A Halloweenie MMP

Add me to the crew that practically adores malted milk balls, and every so often, has a taste for circus peanuts.

Strangely enough, I had that once every 19 months craving for the orange goobers recently, and there’s a bag of them at my desk now.

Read everything and giggled at the streaker but am too tired for many comments.

Cute kid, guru. Also, welcome, Nikki (I’ve always liked your handle).

Bookgroup tonight; lots of fun, as usual.

MBG who??? :smiley:

::Waves handkerchief and wishes SO “Bon voyage!”::

Back tomorrow with Halloween reminiscenses. (Is that a word???)



Happy Birthday Hockey Monkey !!!

Tired. Hulu-ing all night. I don’t remember much of TOT, but mostly we went unsupervised. Fun times.

Welcome guru and Nikki!!!

It’s early. I’m awake.

Carry on.

<ahem> clearing throat <ahem>

Haaapppyyy biiirrrttthhhdddaaayyy toooooo youuuuuu!!!
Haaapppyyy biiirrrttthhhdddaaayyy toooooo youuuuuu!!!
Haaapppyyy biiirrrttthhhdddaaayyy deeeaaarrr PPPuuuccckkk!!!
Haaapppyyy biiirrrttthhhdddaaayyy toooooo youuuuuu!!!

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffienatin’ here. It’s 38 degrees Amurrkin with a chill factor of 32. It is below forty degrees. That means cold. I even turned the heat on. So There! :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok… definitely time to search for more caffiene. Then purtification for work and a day of watchin’ videos and listenin’ to phone calls. Envy Me!

Later Y’all!

Up, caffeinated, off to work.

happy birthday hockey monkey!


::mumble:: Happy Birthday, Puck Ape ::mumbles some more::


Happy Birthday, Hockey Monkey!

Back to work. Blurf…

First thing this morning, my “student” said that my boss had told him to ask me about some part or another, which of course the boss didn’t inform me about. When I asked the boss WTF he said, “I did?” Fun times, fun times.

It’s cold here, too! 47° - but I didn’t turn the heat on yet. High of 68° today, then progressively warmer. I did put my long jammie bottoms on. :smiley:

Tinfoil hat on.

Soooo. Um. How is everyone? I put a whole bunch of malted milk balls under that precariously piled stack of bricks. Help yourselves!

/Tinfoil hat

I feel like an ass. I didn’t participate in the “candy gram” thing for United Way. Today I got 11 candy grams. Oops. I really should have sent some, huh?

Plus, people are getting into the Halloween thing around here, and I’m all Halloween-Grinch-like.

Can I go home now? With the candy? It’s not to early to eat candy, is it? Even if I am a big ol’ meanie?

No drunkee posting last night. I drank beer after beer after beer, and never felt drunk. Let the wife get us home, and immediately felt like someone unplugged me. I believe I fell asleep on the couch - I do remember being razed at 4 AM.

But I’m here, working and boring once again.

Trudge, trudge…

welby, resistance is futile. You will be assimilated. :wink:

Well, even poor Flawduh is in the clutches of this early cold snap. We were down to 50 this morning and we’re due to get even colder tomorrow. The heat goes on when Mr. Anachi and I agree we are cold. Luckily, we are pretty much on the same page there.


Dinner last night was a couple of nummy faux filets o’ beef with spare guts and holiday sauce. The beef stew shall commence this weekend…just in time for the warm up.


Evening all. I am ezzzzausted and I have a nasty sinus headache, despite having taken my allergy tablet. It’s only 7pm and HRH has already been asleep for over an hour. Her molars are starting their push, so she has been really grumpy and stopped sleeping in the afternoon. That means she has been staying awake from 6:30am through 6pm every day. The problem I face is that her gums are so sore, she won’t even open her mouth to let me rub some teething gel on the gums! :frowning: Fortunately, she is still eating well, although more crunchy foods (like apple pieces) are presently out of favour.

On a brighter note, I am very pleased that the US dollar is improving, while the Aussie dollar is retreating back down the toilet. Since the Bahraini dinar is tied to the US dollar, I have been sending great wodges (is too a word!) of money home to Australia for our holiday. The Australian dollar’s crap performance means that we have about 30% more spending money than we expected! Woo and Hoo!!! Six weeks to go - roll on vacation!!! :smiley:


Just a quick drive by…

Happy Birthday, Hockey Monkey!

Urgh. Tired. It’s cold and windy here, and I’m trying to decide between doing useful stuff during Nat’s next naptime, or getting more sleep. I’d like to clean my desk. Correction: I’d like my desk to be clean. Do I want it enough to forgo sleep?

Happy Birthday, Hockey Monkey!!

I’ve been super busy and took the Mr. Bus Guy route. But I did manage to get drunk. Quite drunk. I dressed as Alice in Wonderland and went to the costume party at the country club. This is the club where I am a member but also bartend a couple nights a week. I drank Sam Adams out of my oversized tea cup and about 30 minutes to last call announced that I was not nearly drunk enough before they could quit serving alcohol and proceeded to do tequila shots, one after another. I hit that blindingly, pukingly drunk where you fall on the floor and walk into walls. You know how a lot of parties have that really drunk girl that’s so far gone she’s pathetic - yep, I’m right here.

I sang karaoke. Oh yeah.

And I had to go in to work at the bar the next morning at 8:30 - we don’t serve that early but we do sell gatorade and stuff like that for the people playing golf. Yes, one of my first customers was the guy that just 10 short hours earlier I offered to let him do body shots off me. And he politely declined. I’m so freakin’ classy. Oh well, time to take my lumps and humiliation when I go back in to work tonight.

A word about the weather, and I’m gonna cuss - this is freakin’ bullshit. The cold always sneaks up on me and I think it’s never gonna get here and I get surprised every year because I always think that just maybe this year it won’t get cold. And yes, my arctic friends, I realize that what I am experiencing may not be cold to you, but I am Southern. I can do humid heat waves, mosquitos the size and volume of locusts, vacation in hurricanes, and eat whatever has been crawling around in the mud and fell into a pot of oil but I *cannot *tolerate cold weather. And that includes anything below 55 F. This magnolia wilts in the cold!!

Happy Birthday Hockey Monkey!

At work again. I have so much to do too, I’m trying to clean up the basement because it pisses me of just to walk downstairs (boxes everywhere, recycling, pile of clothes by the laundry). So getting rid of the recycling in small jaunts is the first thing. That and doing laundry. Then I am going through the boxes, and I plan to go through my books and simply throw a box at a time in my trunk* and stop at the second hand book store to get rid of them that way.

And to keep me on track I promise myself a few minutes on the Wii later. I fell down and my credit card slipped. :wink: (Okay, not quite. I didn’t buy it on credit. I was planning on it as a Christmas present to the family but figured I should nose around for one earlier… one place told me $400 for one! So I found somewhere else and asked, and they offered me the last one so I said what the heck rather than trying to find one closer to Christmas…)

  • I first typed truck… I don’t have a truck!

Hmm, good thing I’m home today. The Dell guy just called and asked if today would be a good day for him to come repair our daughter’s laptop.

He’s supposed to be here between three and six.

The good thing is that it’s all covered under warranty. He has to replace the motheboard. I’m not sure what else needs fixing.

Happy Birthday, Puck!!!

It was 61F here when I looked at the thermostat a bit ago. Not really cold, but cold enough that the dog wants to be in my lap. That wouldn’t be so bad if he’d just lie down, but he wants to see what I’m doing and help me type.

For all (two) of you who asked about our bathroom decorating, we took pictures, but I haven’t uploaded them yet. It really wasn’t all that extensive or impressive to my eye, but we got some compliments on it, so it must not have been as bleeech as I feared. I, of course, would have liked to do something over the top, like paint murals on the walls, but they wouldn’t have let me, even if I’d had the time, (and the talent).
I did offer to fix the lock on the men’s room toilet stall door, that’s been broken for at least 15 years, if they’d give me the part. They never got back to me on that. It’d prolly be against some gummit regulation or other anyway. The building belongs to the Parks & Rec Department.

I don’t much care for Halloween. Prolly 'caue when I was a kid my older cousins were charged with taking me around, and, of course, took all the good stuff away from me before we got home. Their entire purpose in life, from my perspective, was to torment me. The eldest grew up to be a preacher in some little splinter sect down South, where he no doubt enjoys telling people they’re damned to Hell.

Ooops. Sorry.

In our little town, the downtown merchants (most of them, anyway) hand out candy to the masses on the main drag on Halloween. I offer my wares to the public, along with a number of other merchants, through the efforts of one such store, so I purchased a couple hundred treats to pass out, but I personally prolly won’t be doing any passing. I enjoy the costumes, but when they come at me en masse with their hands out, I feel like the main attraction at a zombie BBQ.

More later, maybe.