A honeybaked ham for those making it to the 2nd interview...

I found the following on the St. Louis Post-Dispatch web site:

Employment Ad

It almost made me cry, I was laughing so hard:

"Maring Weissman needs new meat! We’re in seri-
ous ketosis for a writer with the chops to serve up beefy print and broadcast ideas for our B2B and consumer cli-
ents. You should have a minimum of 5 years ad agency experience and the ability to write juicy copy and eat grammar and proofreading mis-
takes for dinner.


No calls please, our CD is deaf as a post. A FREE HONEYBAKED HAM to all applicants who make it past the second interview. (If you don’t do it for the job, for goodness sake, do it for the FREE MEAT.)"

Now if that isn’t a good reason to apply for a job, I don’t know what is.

Woops - that title should be for those making it past the second interview… :smack:

Cool. I have a writer friend who wants to move here anyway. I’m gonna send her the link.

She has to share the ham if she gets one.

Sounds like a discrimination lawsuit waiting to happen.

I’m glad I could help. If she has any ham left over, ask her to send it my way.

No kidding! Read between the lines! “No Jews need apply!” :wink: ;j

No observant Jews need apply.

I know some Jews who LOOOOOOOOVES they pork barbeque. And they’re just as Jewish as the no-pork kind. So, it’s not all that discriminatory, is it?