A kitten in a rainstorm

What a sweet story. Enjoy your pretty kitty.

Looks like you got a sweet new buddy but I have to ask…

How’s your niece doin’?

Oh, hooray for kitties! I got my buff tabby, Rufus Ruffus Johnson Brown, from the parking lot at work as well. He had some nasty parasites, and the antibiotics for that were quite an ordeal. Trust me, you gotta be careful not to squeeze the belly! Ole buff does have feline leukemia, but he’s been doing well for quite some time. He’s a very happy boy!

Congratulations on your new found treasure.

It was exactly 4 months ago that I found Peachy, under the car in the driveway. She was in a little better shape, but only 4 weeks old. We were confused about her gender at first too, because she had a big dingleberry on her butt. :slight_smile:

Make sure your vet tests for coccidia and for giardia. I see these frequently in strays, and they both cause diarrhea. Coccidia is pretty common and can be found in a standard in-house fecal flotation that’s not expensive. The standard dewormers don’t kill these, but once found the medicine given for them is very effective.

That kitten is quite cute, and I see a lot of them! Good luck with everything, and thanks so much for rescuing him. Seems like he plans to keep his new mom!

ShermanAter, she’s doing quite well…for a seventeen year old. :stuck_out_tongue:

bufftabby, aw. Rufus is one of my favorite kitty names in the world. He’s a lucky guy to have been found by you.

Last night we finally achieved solid bowel movements, which caused great celebration, but then this morning she’s having new problems. Now she’s having a sort of… [TMI]

…anal discharge that seems to be a watery mix of mucus, feces and blood.

It’s not a lot, but it’s enough to concern me, so I’m trying to get a hold of the vet earlier than planned. I’m hoping it’s just from her back end being so irritated. Otherwise, she’s eating, drinking, and attempting to climb anything that holds still long enough.

I hope it will be OK. maybe it is the after effect of the deworming.

grr…forum ate my post. I hope all turns out well for you - she’s very cute.

The vet suggested it was probably a combination of that and her straining from the diarrhea, so we won’t be worrying until she’s gone through a few more dewormings to get it all out of her system (easy for him to say).

Wow - I just realized the forum didn’t eat my post.

Awwww, she’s so cute!

I think she resembles our Minerva, when she was a baby.

Hope she’s feeling better and being less stinky soon.

This thread is too full of Kitty SQUEEEEEEEE.

I have to go lay down now.


i would tell malenka the miraculous it is a good thing you have a very,very, pretty front end; because your back end is a wmd!

Or sweet little Clovis kitty had digestive problems like that (anal leakage and flatulence). The vet finally declared that she had IBD (:smack:) and gave her a steroid to help with the swelling and irritation. Fixed her right up.

Aaaaand here she is!

How is the kitty doing? Any improvement?