A LONG thread for a long trip, in many parts with full orchestration...

Well, I am finally home. After four days on the road and 3000+ miles. Needless to say, I am exhausted. But I am not so exhausted that I can’t post the sordid details, humorous as I found them.

I get in my car and start going south towards Houston, where I’m going to spend a few days with MsRobyn. :slight_smile: It starts off OK. I’m making good time, traffic is relatively cooperative, and things are going well. Mile after mile I go, through Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia, and Virginia. Being from good ol’ Pennsylvania, however, could never have prepared me for what I saw. It was the most beautiful sight, too. The signs said “Speed Limit 70”. Wow! Us Yankees never get to go that fast, not legally anyway. I was in heaven. Needless to say, I was doing about 80 just like everyone else. :wink:

So I get through Virginia, all 330 miles of I-81, and I hit Tennessee. The roads were nice, the state looks beautiful, and I am so friggin’ tired I can’t see straight. I manage to keep my eyes open through Tennessee, through the little corner of Georgia, and hit Alabama. Finally, I lay down my seat, cover myself up, set the alarm, and go to sleep.

The next morning I wake up. Three hours later than I had set the alarm for. Well, dammit, that’s just great. So I find me a truck stop, take a shower, and get my tukkas to Tuscaloosa, where I’m meeting Nocturne for a little while. Now here’s where it gets interesting. We meet at the mall, we go back to her dorm to shoot the stuff for a while, and we wait for her boyfriend to arrive. He shows up and we go to dinner. Now, I don’t consider myself to be the best driver in the world, far from it, but I’ll be damned if Nocturne isn’t one of the worst. :wink: She goes to pull out and almost gets hit from BOTH directions, something I have never accomplished in all my years of trying. Anyway, we go to a diner and have some of the most heinous food of all time, and then she drops me off at my car. I put it in reverse and chase her down going backwards, just to reassure her that I can indeed drive that bad, too. :wink: (For the record, she is truly an awesome person, just in case you were wondering. Just an awful driver.)

Anyway, it’s back to the road. I’m through Alabama, through Mississippi, and into Louisiana. I get tired around Lafayette, and I’m blocking two lanes while going 40, so I pull off to take a break. Next thing I know the sun is out, and was supposed to have arrived in Houston around 6 that morning. Well sheeeeeeit on me. So I go looking for a place to call MsRobyn to tell her what happened. I get off at this place called Lacassine, Louisiana. Little did I know what I was getting into.

I turn right off the end of the ramp, go about 3 miles and finally find a gas station with what appears to be a phone. In the back of the gas station I see a tall aluminum pot on a stove. Already I am feeling an ominous cloud over me, since I remember vividly seeing the Texas Chaisaw Massacre, so my first thought was “Cannibal Chili”. I shudder, but I shake it off and go in to use the phone.

When I get in the store, ten eyes and about 20 teeth turn my way to stare at me, making me extraordinarily self conscious. I go to use the phone, and the lady behind the counter, in the inimicable voice of all people from Louisiana, tells me that that’s the business phone. Now this is a pay phone, mind you, and they use it for business. I’d hate to have to pay that phone bill. Anyway, I say “Hey, this is a pay phone, right? Well, I’m paying.” Wrong answer. She kindly points me to the sign that says “Business Phone”. As we we stare at each other, testing each other’s will, I hear something in the background. I think to myself, “What the hell IS that?!?!” Then it hits me. It’s dueling banjos. As my mind runs amok in terror, I swear the other person behind the counter was subliminally telling me to squeal like a pig. OK, you win, lady, I am outta here! So I did what any sensible person in my situation would have done. I ran for my life.

I get in my car, rip out of the parking lot, and go back from where I came from. Except after 6 miles, it is clear that I’m not going back where I came from. I’ve made no turns, now, but nevertheless I’m in a town I’ve never seen, and I never saw the interstate. So I turn around and go back towards the dread gas station. Lo and behold, there’s the interstate. Except I’m now exactly one exit back from where I got off. I suddenly felt like the entire earth had flipped over, like in the B.F. Goodrich commercial. Anyway, I got the hell out of Deliveran…er, Louisiana, toot sweet.

Finally, later that day, I’m in Houston. And my God are the roads bad! I think they still have the same roads from back in the day when they still used horse and buggy to get around. Other than that, the city is nice, except for the occasional gunshot that had me reaching for a weapon one night as MsRobyn slept merrily away.

I met some of the HouDopers, and they were quite cool, I must say. Whatever I say here, I can never knock Southern hospitality. It’s every bit as good as I had heard.

To be continued, after I get some sleep.


Glad to hear you made it there and back safe and sound, Dave. Get plenty of that sleep now, you won’t be getting much for a while!

Good thing I didn’t make my pilgrimmage;) I would have had to rely on her for transportation for something like six days!

Uh, yeah. I can pretty much vouch for that, as can the others who were following her from the mall to the restaurant at BamaDope II. But we had the pleasure of playing ‘synchronized car circles.’ :smiley:

Glad you’re back safe and sound, despite the attempts made on your person in the backwoods. :wink:


Oh, that’s right, Houston, the fourth largest city in the United States. Well, I gotta tell you that for having such an enormous infrastructure, the roads suck. Totally, absolutely, and completely. On Main Street, admittedly, they have it all torn up for the light rail they’re installing. But how does that explain the rest of it? I was having to work very hard at not destroying my car on the bumps and potholes, otherwise I’d never make it home. So that was weighing heavily on my mind. And the parking is atrocious, too. I dragged a building trying to get my car out of a driveway, for Christ’s sake. That was the worst part of the whole trip. I have a white paint smear on my driver’s side door. sigh…

(Oh, and if you’re wondering why I’m not giving out too many details about my visit, let’s just say that some things are better left to the imagination. I will say that she beat me 6 times at Trivial Pursuit and once at Jeopardy, and then made it up to me about twelve times, if you know what I mean… :wink: )

So anyway, I start back to Pennsylvania on Wednesday morning, retracing my route. I go towards I-10 so I can head towards Beaumont and go east, but wouldn’t a know it, there’s construction, and I miss my exit. So then I have to circle around and try again. What a wonderful start to my trip. I’m driving along, and then I turn on the jets and do about 85 all the way across Louisiana. I wanted to spend as little time as possible in that state, for fear that someone would stuff me and cook me with mashed potatoes and gravy. I breathed a huge sigh of relief after I got out of there.

The remainder of the trip was remarkably uneventful. It was typical highway driving, playing Car Tag all the way north, which suited me just fine. I was having a good old time pissing people off by not passing fast enough for their tastes. Well, sorry, but since I got home with $4.27 in my pocket, I am somewhat averse to getting a ticket. So when they roared past me at 85-90 mph, I jumped on their bumper and followed them for a few miles. And I repeated that cycle endlessly, so I made good time.

When I finally arrived in Pennsylvania last night, I stopped at the rest area right across the border, ran out, and kissed the ground. There is only one thing that could have been better than arriving home, and that would be if I had been able to stay in Houston with MsRobyn. Alas, that was not to be, so I got the next best thing.

I’m one mile away from the Mechanicsburg exit, the one I need to take to go home, and I had my closest call of the whole trip. Some guy slowed down to let a truck in front of him, and the guy behind flashed his lights. Well, the guy in front was none too happy with that, so he tromped on the brakes. Both cars start to fishtail, and wouldn’t you know it, after 3400 miles they swerve right towards me, out of control. So I have to go to the shoulder to get away from that mess. If I wasn’t leaving in a few days, I’d have plugged the jackass in front who hit the brakes, but I couldn’t do it. I have other more important things in my life now. But I’m telling you, that was a serious eye opener. So I get home, turn off the car for the last time, and just sit there, wondering where all the time had gone. It went waaaaaay too fast, let me tell you.

So that’s my driving log, and after all that time and distance, I am none the worse for wear. Just wanted to share. :slight_smile:


So what happened when you beat her?

Wait. You’re Dave. You don’t beat her. I forgot. Sorry.




And just to clarify for your benefit, iampunha, I didn’t win. Not even one time. She’s just smarter than me, I guess. :slight_smile:

Isn’t it sweet? I’ve spent the last three days drivin through Virginia, where the 65 mph is killing me! But Sunday I get to head back into NC, then Monday home into Georgia.

Too bad you didn’t get to go through Atlanta. You would have enjoyed the 80 in a 55 mph zone. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah. okay.

[sub]Nobody else bought that, right? I was thinking he lost once and, er, was repayed twice, and thought “Ain’t no WAY I’m winning! EVER!”[/sub]

Perhaps you won’t lose so much in basic training . . .

  1. I am NOT a bad driver. I was ONLY going to get hit from one way and that is because that person was speeding. Dumbass.

  2. At Bamadope, the synchronized car circles were NOT my idea. That was N0sfura2…he was navigating. Blame him.

  3. I have only had 1 wreck in my life, which was NOT MY FAULT.

So there.


Uh huh.

Just remember, Nocturne, you have your version, and I have the truth.

“The truth will set you free”…isn’t that what you Fundie Southerners say? :wink:


I’m just sitting here, laughing my ass off at Airman’s account of his trip.

Suffice it to say, once he got here, we spent a pleasant time together. The HouDopers showed their stuff, as always, and we had fun with them. I did beat him several times at Trivial Pursuit and Jeopardy, but I think making up was a lot more fun than the actual games ;). And God knows the games were fun.

Sadly, the week went by much too fast.


Y’all do realize that the only person who doesn’t know what went on is Colin Powell’s chimneysweeper, right?

Just so we understand each other:)

Cool story, Airman Doors, but I’m not really sure that it’s really “A LONG thread for a long trip, in many parts with full orchestration…”

If you’re looking for such a thing, try the thread on my sailing trip.

Ahh, we meet again Airman Doors. I really did enjoy meeting you. But I must warn you that Polly Ester is plotting ways to steal your affections away from MsRobyn. She fell madly in love with you at the Pub. All I’ve heard since that night is Airman Doors this and Airman Doors that. Ugh. :wink:

I hope we didn’t scare you too badly. :smiley:

[sub] ** Darn I hate when I forget to say something important! **[/sub]

I’m glad you made it home safely. The LIONsob says hello.

Damn. I knew there was someone I forgot to tell. :wink:
