I wanted to hate it, really I did, after all, it’s a Microsoft product and therefore it’s evil and it sucks, right? (that’s the mindset of the typical rabid Mac Zealot, such as me )
I will say this, ever since I started working part-time at a local computer shop that services both Mac and PC, I’ve had a lot of exposure to Windows, and let me just say, it’s not as bad as I thought, I fully admit that I was wrong in my rabid, blinding, irrational hatred of Microsoft…
anyway, tangent aside, I’ve been in the mood for a new game system, my newest system is an original “pannini press” style Sony PS2 and a Nintendo Gamecube (oh, and also a Sega Dreamcast…), so it’s plain to see I’m on the trailing edge of high-end console gaming
I purchased the entry-level base-model XBOX 360S Slim (4GB model, no hard drive), Why did I finally decide to “Jump In” as it were?, well, I can sum that decision up in two words (and two numbers…) “Left 4 Dead 2” (Braaaiiinnnns!!!) I’ve heard great things about the game, and I’m a big fan of “Post-Apocalyptic-World” (PAW) movies/novels and the like, basically, anything with Zombies, adding zombies to any entertainment improves that entertainment, think how much more fun Mario would be if he was, instead of running from mobile fauna and reptiles, he was running from a thronging zombie horde intent on eating his “Spicy-a Brains-a”… (he should probably throw Luigi at them as a sacrifice/diversionary tactic, let’s be honest here, Luigi has never pulled his own weight and has been riding on Mario’s reputation from day 1… freeloading bastard…
Anyway, back on subject…
So, when I got the 360S home, I opened the box with much trepidation, expecting a cheap, cheesy piece of hardware, and initially that’s what I thought I got, after all, the outer casing of the 360S doesn’t exactly feel very “sturdy” (IIRC, wasn’t the previous 360 casing metal?), however it had a lot of ventilation openings and what appears to be at least an 80mm, if not a 120mm cooling fan with a substantial vent grille over it, that’s one way to solve the “RROD” oveheating problem…
Once it was hooked into the home theatre and the batteries installed in the remote (I’m not exactly sure if a battery powered controller is a good idea, after all, Murphy’s Laws state that the batteries will fail when you can least afford it, like in the middle of a huge battle with the Undead…), I hit the power switch on the front of the 360…
Cool, a touch-sensitive button, I was expecting an actual mechanical switch… (incidentally, the touch switch also works if you use your big toe to turn the console on/off… ), looks like the disc tray open/close button is also a capacitance based touch-switch, it has plenty of USB ports, and a wired ethernet jack (I have mine hooked up via my AirPort Express base station though) and an optical audio-out jack, pretty nice bit of hardware, even if the plastic case feels a bit thin and cheesy…
(sorry, fighting off Technicians Syndrome there, it happens every time I get a new electronic “toy”)
From the research I have done, it seems that the wireless controller(s) are actually WIFI devices themselves, that’s also pretty cool, I was not expecting that, that’s a nice feature as well, overall, aside from the cheesy case plastics, the 360S seems to be a well put together bit of kit, in fact, it’s such a good setup that I’m even contemplating using it to replace my four plus year old tempermental old Panasonic DVD player, the Panasonic is getting a little fussy on some of my older DVD’s that have previously played just fine and have no scratches or any other flaws on them
I’m not exactly sold on XBOX Live yet though, I’m not a fan of subscription-based entertainment (aside from SDMB, that is ;), I have no plan to subscribe to their dubious “Gold” service (I still find it difficult to voluntarily give Microsoft money…), I’m antisocial by nature and would get no value from the “social” features of Live, as long as I can find online matches of L4D2, I’m perfectly happy with a “Silver” level membership, the only thing that could tempt me to Gold are the downloadable games, Worms Armageddon in particular, I’ve always had a soft spot for that endearing Heavily-Armed-Annelid-Strategy-Game series
I may have to pick up a couple other games, a decent driving sim (Forza?) and a few strategy/puzzle games, but the main reason I bought a 360S, the “killer app” for lack of a better term (yes, I know, bad pun) was for L4D2
The 360 is nice, I can’t deny it, it’s a solid gaming platform, it’s also nice that it doubles as a DVD player and can link up with my MacBook when I have it running Win7
Oh, and L4D2?
Frakkin’ Awesome!, aside for the weapon inaccuracies (overpowered, incredibly accurate shotgun shooting buckshot, accurate AK-47, no recoil impulse effects, no muzzle-climb when shooting full-autos with the “Giggle Switch” turned on, the lack of the ability to select between single, burst, and auto on FA guns, the fact that all the rifles and submachine guns appear to do almost the same damage** oh, and the biggest firearm flaw in the game… Infinite ammo in the handguns, at least they do need to be reloaded and can be topped off manually
then again, it’s a bit silly that in a game where I’m surrounded by reanimated corpses intent on making me into their next meal, I’m griping about trivial little glitches with the firearms…
I do love the humor in the game, I’ve been playing the “Bayou” level, and when I arrived at the first safe house, I was reading the grafitti scrawled on the wall, most of it was about how the Infected weren’t actually “undead” and the like, then I went over to the wall next to a staircase and saw the following graffiti-d “converation”
“I HATE Zombies”
below that;
“Way to think outside the box, genius!”
below that;
“I LOVE Zombies!”
below that;
“I want to take a zombie out on a date”
and below that, in smaller text;
“can someone please put the markers away?”
I initially hated L4D2 as I was having trouble adjusting to the controls, seperate look and movement controls, compounded by the fact that the look controls were set to “standard” (pull back on the stick to look down, push forward to look up), and I prefer “reversed” (pull stick back to look up, push forward to look down, it’s a holdover from my flight sim gaming), once I set the look controls to “reversed”, the game became a lot more enjoyable
If any Dopers are playing L4D2, my gamertag is “MacTechG4”, it’d be fun to set up a L4D2 Doper gaming session…
(**an AK-47 shoots a .30 caliber bullet, and the M-16 shoots a .223 caliber bullet, the AK bullet has more damage potential, but the AK is less accurate than the M-16)