A multiparty system is better than a two-party system!

I have started, or contributed to, several GD threads about electoral reforms that would open the field in American politics to parties other than the Republicrats:

“What do you think about proportional representation in the US House of Reps?”

“Instant-runoff voting: avoiding the third-party “spoiler” problem”
Instant-runoff voting: avoiding the third-party “spoiler” problem

“Yet another electoral-system reform: “ballot fusion,” or “cross-endorsement””

“Should the U.S. adopt alternative, pro-multipartisan voting systems?”

In these threads, I and other pro-reform Dopers have argued mainly on the grounds that such systems are more fair and democratic than a first-past-the-post, winner-take-all system. (See note* at the end of this OP.)

But in this thread, I want to turn the question around and look at it in terms of the likely practical results – such reforms almost certainly would lead to a multi-party political system in place of our current two-party system. And I wish to propose this argument for debate: A multi-party system is better than a two-party system, in and of itself. For the following reasons:
1. A two-party system inflates the importance of the “center” while marginalizing all other viewpoints.

A lot of people assume that the American electorate is “centrist” or “center-seeking.” It only appears that way because we have only two important parties, and each one can take a wide swath of public opinion pretty much for granted. The Republican Party has actually done very little to implement the agenda of religious conservatives – but what are the chances they’ll vote Democrat? That leaves only the “swing voters” at the center to be fought over, and all campaign rhetoric is directed at them. This gives a false impression that the American people’s views form a kind of “bell curve” that bulges at the center. But that is not true.

The Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, from 1987 through 1999, conducted several studies of Americans’ political attitudes, based on telephone surveys, and developed the Pew Political Typology (http://people-press.org/reports/display.php3?PageID=98). They found the people fall into ten groups of roughly equal size. (Click on this link – http://helios.acomp.usf.edu/~jfbohren/floridairvcoalition/pew_typology.htm – and you can see a pie chart I’ve prepared, with descriptions of each group.)

PARTY ID: 72% Republican; 24% Independent, Lean Republican

PARTY ID: 76% Republican; 22% Independent, Lean Republican

PARTY ID: 72% Republican; 25% Independent, Lean Republican

PARTY ID: 69% Independent, 21% Republican, 5% Democrat

PARTY ID: 73% Independent, 8% Democrat, 6% Republican

PARTY ID: 56% Democrat; 41% Independent, Lean Democrat

PARTY ID: 70% Democrat; 27% Independent, Lean Democrat

PARTY ID: 75% Democrat; 21% Independent, Lean Democrat
PARTY ID: 85% Democrat; 12% Independent, Lean Democrat

PARTY ID: 54% Independent, 25% Democrat, 10% Republican

This is not a picture of a center-seeking electorate.
2. A multiparty system is more intelligent than a two-party system.

A legislative assembly is supposed to be, among other things, a sort of collective brain for society. But a two-party system distorts its habits of thinking by reducing everything to two alternatives. In fact, there are almost always many more than two sides to every question. An individual who realizes this, and who always looks at a problem from all sides and considers all the possibilities before making a decision, is much wiser than a person who habitually reduces any question or problem to just two alternatives. And so it is in a parliament or congress. A legislature composed of several different blocs with very different ways of thinking is a much more intelligent “collective brain” than a two-party legislature, even if the average intelligence of its individual members is not one point higher.

For example: A Libertarian of my aquaintance once argued forcefully for solving transportation problems by deregulating the jitney business – allowing anybody who has a car to become an independent full-time or part-time cab driver, without any stringent licensing requirements (or at any rate, without any limitations on the number of licenses issued). He had very persuasive arguments, which I won’t go into here. The point is, it might be a good idea, and nobody but a Libertarian would ever have thought of it, and under our present system it is unlikely any Libertarian would be in a position to try to persuade our public councils of its wisdom. But if we had a multiparty system, that and all other kinds of ideas could be seriously proposed and discussed. Which leads into my next point:
3. A multiparty system widens the range of policy options that can be seriously placed on the public agenda for discussion.

A two-party system tends to freeze out certain points of view and render certain things off-limits to discussion on the grounds that they are “obviously” unthinkable, or politically impossible.

For instance, we’ve had a lot of threads on this board about legalizing marijuana. A lot of Americans smoke marijuana regularly and occasionally get into trouble with the law for it. Marijuana offenders make up a large part of our state and federal prison populations. But how much discussion does this issue get where it counts?


CONGRESSCRITTER A: “I’d like to introduce a bill to legalize marijuana. How do you think I should go about it?”

CONGRESSCRITTER B: “You’re joking, right?”

CONGRESSCRITTER A: “I’d like to introduce a bill to legalize marijuana. How do you think I should go about it?”

CONGRESSCRITTER B: “Well, the Libertarians will back it for sure, you don’t even have to ask. Ditto with the Greens. The Constitution Party will be dead against it. So will the America First Party, and probably the Populist Party – it’s a moral issue to all of them. The Business Republicans – well, they’ll at least be open to the idea – in fact, the tobacco companies will jump at the chance to branch into a new product; but there’ll be a lot of negotiation on terms and details and age limits. The Social Democrats will be for it if the new marijuana industry is adequately regulated and taxed . . . No guarantees, but it’s got a shot if you push it hard enough . . .”
Or substitute your own favorite Issue that Dare Not Speak Its Name – single-payer health care, abolishing Medicare, abolishing the IRS, taxing away all private incomes above $100,000, abolishing NAFTA, expanding NAFTA, paring down the defense establishment, reviving the draft, getting government out of education entirely, death penalty for drug dealing, outlawing organized labor, outlawing non-organized labor, etc., etc. All open for discussion. And no one party in a position to call the shots by itself. The change would not necessarily move the political center of gravity left or right or up or down; it would, however, make public policy a vector sum of more different vectors.

4. In a multiparty system, each party could play a constructive role of its own.

In a multiparty system, there likely would not be any majority party in Congress or any state legislature, every again. Every party would have to concentrate on what it could contribute as a permanent minority party. This might be a problem if we had a parliamentary system, where the parliament must “form a government,” and put together a coalition for the purpose if no majority is elected. But in the U.S., at the federal and state level, we use the separation-of-powers system – the president or govenor is elected separately from the legislature, and appoints his or her own cabinet secretaries. (Or else, in some states, some of the secretaries are elected on their own – that’s a detail.)

If we had a multiparty political system, I expect legislative “coalitions” would form, but they would be momentary and issue-specific.

E.g., suppose a scenario where the parties represented in Congress are the following:

1. Republican Party (http://www.rnc.org/) – a remnant left after the religious-social conservatives, the libertarians, and the nativistist-isolationist-populists all split off and go their own way. This party would be more purely (and more obviously) the party of established business interests and of agressive foreign-policy neoconservatism. Mostly pro-choice on abortion.

2. America First Party – (http://www.americafirstparty.org/) – Pat Buchanan’s new party. It already exists, but if we moved to PR it might find itself augmented by a mass exodus from the Republican Party. Nativist-isolationist-populist, with a solid base in working-class religious people, especially Roman Catholics like Buchanan himself. Socially conservative, pro-life, against immigration, but also hostile to big business, big government, economic globalization, NAFTA, WTO, and American military adventures abroad. Hostile to the Iraq War, hostile to American support of Israel.

3. Constitution Party – (http://www.constitution-party.net/) – the party of the Religious Right. Already exists, might get bigger. Rooted in Southern Evangelical Protestantism. Agenda would be as it is now – ban abortion, revive school prayer, support vouchers and home schooling, etc. Also would be supportive, for religious reasons, of American support of Israel and military intervention in the Middle East – which would be its main point of difference with America First. Mainly a middle-class and working-class party, which on most economic issues would align with America First, Labor, the Greens and the Progressives – and against the elite-dominated Democrats and Republicans.

4. Libertarian Party – (http://www.lp.org/) – again, already exists, would get bigger. Different from the Republican Party in being pro-market, not pro-business – would deregulate businesses, but also would refuse to bail out foundering corporations or award sweetheart porkbarrel contracts. Also hostile to the national-security state, the military-industrial complex, and foreign military adventuring. Pro-choice, pro-legalizing drugs, anti-welfare-state, anti-big government.

5. Democratic Party – (http://www.democrats.org/) – again, a remnant, after several groupings now under the Dem “big tent” go their own way. This party would represent “neoliberalism,” economic globalization, the politics of Clinton and the Democratic Leadership Council. Socially liberal but inclined to ally with the Republicans on business-related issues.

6. Labor Party – a party rooted in working-class people who are more liberal than the America Firsters, but still pretty socially conservative. Centered on the labor unions and devoted to fighting for working-class interests. Would be pro-choice on abortion but with reservations. Might form around what is now a very small Labor Party (http://www.thelaborparty.org/), founded in 1996, which has never yet run candidates for office.

7. Green Party – (http://www.gp.org/) – environmentalist, tinged with a concern for “social justice” that differs from most models of socialism in being highly decentralist.

8. Progressive Party – a party for all the real “leftists” in American politics, other than the Greens – communists, socialists, social democrats, radical feminists. Similar to the Labor Party, but different in being more socially liberal. (This is what I had in mind in my recent GD thread: “What are the chances for a broad party of American leftists and progressives?” – http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?t=267521.)

9. Independence Party – (http://www.mnip.org/) – again, already exists – when the Reform Party split in 2000, its main factions formed America First and Independence. This is the party of John Anderson – and Jesse Ventura, in Minnesota. As with some others, might get bigger if we adopted IRV and PR. It would be “Progressive” in the older, early-20th-century sense of the term – devoted to good government, honest, transparent, vigorous and effective government, but also fiscal responsibility with no deficit spending. Devoted to a technocratic, professional vision of government that purports to transcend ideology, class interests and partisanship – an old Progressive slogan was, “There is no Democratic or Republican way to pave a street.” Would agree with the Libertarians on most social issues.

Now, if we had all these parties in Congress, they might align in different ways on different issues.

E.g., if you introduce legislation to drastically pare down America’s defense spending, the Progressives, the Greens, the Libertarians, and the America First Party all would support it. The Republicans and the Constitution Party would be against it. The Democrats, the Independence Party and the Labor Party might be split.

If you introduced a bill to recognize gay marriage, the Greens, Progressives, Independence Party and Libertarians would be for it. The Constitution Party and the America Firsters would be against it. The Democrats, Republicans, and Labor Party might be split and might push for a compromise solution like “civil unions.”

If you proposed legalizing marijuana, the Republicans might be open to the idea (as presenting new opportunities for the tobacco industry to branch into a new product). The Progressives would require only that the new marijuana industry be properly regulated and taxed. Libertarians, Greens and Independence would support it. The America First and Constitution parties would be against it. Labor might be split.

If you introduced some strict new environmental-protection legislation, the Greens and Progressives would be for it, the Libertarians and the Republicans would be against it, and everybody else would want to carefully study each element of the proposal before making up their minds. E.g., Labor would be environmentalist in principle but they wouldn’t want to do anything that might eliminate jobs.

And so on.

In each case, nothing actually gets done unless a given proposal can muster support from enough different groupings to make up a voting majority.

And if there’s “logrolling” – e.g., the Libertarians agreeing to support Republican proposal X only if the Republicans support decriminalizing pot – what’s wrong with that? We’ve got logrolling now. This change just adds more logs.

It also adds more information, more content. For instance: The Libertarians might never get their way all the way on anything. But there will be a few of them on every Congressional committee, state-legislative committee, county commission, etc. They would always be there to put forth arguments as to why this or that regulation should be eliminated or simplified, this tax should be cut, this course of government action should be avoided. And sometimes, they will be persuasive. The Greens will always be there to point out how this proposed policy affects the environment, the Progressives and Labor to call attention to how it affects the working class and the poor, Constitution to criticize in terms of America’s moral traditions.

While all this is going on, we still have only one president in the White House – a president who probably won on a “fusion” ticket, being the acceptable choice of several different parties who have agreed more or less to work together, at least for this election cycle. Sometimes the president would be a joint choice of the Democrats and Republicans, and would solidly favor globalization and business interests. Sometimes he might be a Labor-America First nominee and always support the interests of the working class. Sometimes he might be an America First-Constitution choice and fight for social conservatism. Or a Green-Progressive-Labor president who would be socially liberal and fight for the working class and environmental protection. But, at any rate, only one president at a time, steering the ship of state in one direction – which direction would be a vector sum, just like now, but involving more vectors than are in play now.

(*The more-democracy-and-fairness line of argument essentially comes down to the following: Suppose there were a few hundred people attending a New England direct-democracy town meeting. I and a few likeminded citizens stand up at the meeting and propose something – something relevant to municipal government – that is a very radical fringe idea by the standards of this community. Now, nobody says we have a right to get our way, even if we few are absolutely right on this particular point and everybody else in the whole town is wrong. But the rest of the meeting does have to listen, so long as we speak in turn and in order and in the time alloted by whatever rules of order the meeting uses. And who knows? Maybe if we present our case well enough, we might sway public opinion our way – or part of the way to our way – maybe not at this meeting, but maybe at the next one. In the final analysis, however, nothing is going to get done, no definite change is going to be made, until a majority is persuaded to vote for it. That’s the way deliberative democracy should work. Now, of course, the U.S. is not a New England village, it is a nation of close to 300 million people. We can’t all get together in a national meeting, or even a state or county meeting. So we elect representatives to meet and discuss public affairs in our stead. That’s called representative democracy. But the representatives are supposed to think, more or less, the same way the people think. One of the delegates to the Constitutional Convention, I forget which one, remarked that the legislature should be “as exact a transcript as possible” of the general public. Another commentator has said that the legislature should be a “miniature portrait” of the electorate. But our winner-take-all single-member-district system produces a legislature that is not a miniature portrait, but a distorted image from a funhouse mirror, with some elements grotesquely exaggerated and others shrunk to invisibility. A change to PR can reduce that distortion.)

Perhaps I missed this somewhere in your OP, but you need a different voting system in order to make a multiparty system work. Consider a quick hypothetical: this November, Bush gets 40% of the popular vote in Ohio, Kerry gets 30%, and Nader gets 30%. Bush carries the state, even though most of the population voted against him. That’s really, really bad.

Approval voting is much more suited for a multiparty system.

I think the first 4 links in his thread were discussing alternate voting systems.

Yeah, I know. I went back and reread the OP after I posted that, and realized I had read it. In my defense, there are a lot of words there.

The point stands: in order for a multiparty system to work, we need an alternate voting system.

Something that, unfortunately, is unlikely to ever happen. And so the 3rd parties will continue to pretty much languish in obscurity.

THe problems with this assertion is that, though your poll breaks things down into 10 separate categories, many of them could easily be characterized as ‘the center’…moderate Republicans and Democrats both inhabit ‘the center’ for instance, and have similar (if not the same) stances on many issues. People are complex things of course, and tend to sway this way or that across the line depending on the issue. But, I still think that ‘the center’ is pretty much where the majority of Americans resides…and this IS a democracy after all, where the majority rules.

It depends is all I can say. Sometimes a multiparty system is ‘more intellegent’ (whatever that means) and sometimes it isn’t. I think our 2 party system is a bit more stable than most multiparty coalition type governments (and marginally more efficient), but again, it depends on a lot of factors.

Agreed, but again, this doesn’t necessarily mean its a good thing (though over all I agree it is). It means that some splinter groups that can martial enough support can get their pet project put forth for serious scrutiny, even if their pet project is utter bullshit. I submit someone like Lyndon LaRouche as an example. Basically in our 2 party system good ideas are co-opted by the two major parties, albiet in a watered down form. There is good and bad in both systems, though certainly our system doesn’t allow the more fringe type groups to flourish or to get their message out in any kind of serious way. Sometimes thats unfortunate (like the Libertarian view :)), and sometimes its not (like Lyndon LaRouche).

Again, true enough…or conversely a multiparty system can be a devisive force tearing apart a government or nation. Its by no means a slam dunk that having multiparties getting their say that each would play a constructive role…and in American politics I’d say the converse would be more the norm. The Europeans, who have more experience (and maybe are more oriented towards compromise governments anyway) still have problems with factionalized governments from time to time. Its difficult to get decisions made by a committee, especially when said comittee is made up of competing factions.

I’m an advocate of the 3rd parties. I’m voting 3rd party most likely this election in fact and have already made donations to several 3rd parties. I think the US could experiment a bit with our democracy to see if something can be done to enable the 3rd parties a chance to do more in US politics. I seriously doubt it will ever happen, but I think that if it does we should move cautiously in making any changes to our system…its served us well for 200+ years after all, and its evolved to our unique requirements for government.


Here in New Zealand, we switched over to a more-or-less proportional voting system a few years ago. Lot of parties represented in Parliament now, but the world doesn’t seem to have ended.

What we have found is that every govenment since the switch has been a coalition. Some people seem to think that that’s bad, but I’m not sure why. After all, it means that in order to get a bill passed, the dominant party actually has to persuade someone else that it’s a good idea. That’s bad?

(bolding mine)
Hey, that’d be libertarian success right there wouldn’t it? :wink:

Well…yes. :slight_smile: I’ve never denied my libertarian leanings. We don’t need all this stinking government…



It’s not a bug, it’s a feature.
Not sure if I think that, but one could surely argue that a system that marginalizes the margins is a good thing.

I agree with your premise.

As far as your qualifications, I refuse to read posts that don’t fit my screen.

I’m sure you got all the fine points right.

Because I agree with your premise.

I’m on board. How do we make it happen?

I’d love it! But the Republicrat machine won’t let it happen.

If we an figure out a way to make the American Public believe in it… we might have a chance.

What’s stopping the independents on the left from voting for someone on the left in the Democratic primary? What’s stopping the independents on the right from voting for someone on the right in the Republican primary? If most Americans don’t really want the candidates we get, how do they win their primaries, while people like Kucinich don’t come close?

The United States already has a tie-breaker system, people just ignore it. If all of these third-party advocates would start focusing on the primaries (where change is possible, and not much is necessary), they’d be able to give their candidate a chance… if, of course, most Americans want that candidate in office. I personally don’t think it’s the Republicrats that keep Nader out of office, but I’d like the Greens to make a real try at showing us he’s a contender.

To the contrary, x. Which brings me to point 5:

5. A multiparty system is more stable than a two-party system.

That might sound counterintuitive – won’t PR lead to the two big parties breaking up, new ones forming, shifting alliances, massive political instability and unpredictability?

Yes, in the short term. But consider: Each political grouping has a limited “target market,” a limited number of voters who sympathize with it and might be persuaded to support it. After a few years under PR, each party will have achieved total “market saturation,” recruited pretty much all of its potential support base. And after that point, there will be no more “electoral revolutions” --change will be slow and incremental. Elections will be a matter of a given party gaining or losing just a few percentage points of support. In each party, there will be a solid core of committed supporters, and a fringe of not-so-commited supporters who might go one way or another – e.g., if there is a large Libertarian Party, distinct from a purely business-oriented Republican Party, then there will be a few “swing voters” between them who might, in any given election, go Libertarian or Republican – but never, ever, Green or Socialist. Likewise there might be a set of “swing voters” disputed between the America First Party and the Constitution Party. How those swing voters go will determine shifts in political power – but since they are distributed all over the map in small disparate groups, and none has voting strength out of proportion to its numbers, sudden coordinated shifts in support are very unlikely. No more electoral revolutions, only gradual incremental changes – possibly even on a generational time-scale, no faster.

By contrast, in our present system the only “swing voters” are those hovering about the country’s ideological center-of-gravity. And they do have influence far out of proportion to their numbers, for reasons explained in the OP – which leads to instability. In 1994 we had an electoral “revolution,” putting Republicans in control of both houses of Congress --even though the aggregate national Republican vote exceeded the Democratic vote by less than one-half of one percent (and depending on how the votes were geographically distributed, that exact same vote total might as easily have yielded the opposite result). That makes the balance of power unstable and unpredictable.

Like most everyone else, I agree. How do we make this happen? I have far too little experience (I’m only 23, for the love of Pete!) to know.

To start with, check out the following organizations, join and get involved:

  1. The Center for Voting and Democracy: http://www.fairvote.org It’s America’s leading action group for voting reforms, particularly instant-runoff voting and proportional representation (aka full representation). The links page (http://www.fairvote.org/links.htm) will direct you to PR and IRV advocacy groups in your own state, if there are any. (At present there are such groups in California, Illinois, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New York, Utah, Washington – and, most recently, Florida, although the link for Citizens for Instant Runoff Voting in Florida – http://www.cirv.org – has not yet been added to the CV&D links page.)

  2. The Instant Runoff Project – http://www.instantrunoff.org

  3. InstantRunoff.comhttp://www.instantrunoff.com/

  4. The New Majority Education Fund – http://www.nmef.org This organization works for “ballot fusion” or “cross-endorsement” – the practice of allowing a single candidate to run as the nominee of more than one party. This was a tactic used by minor parties (e.g., the Populists, the Grangers, the Prohibitionists) with some effect in the late 19th Century to pool their strength or to pull the major parties in their directions. However, in that period such “combination tickets” were outlawed by Republicrat legislatures in many states for the express purpose of crushing third parties (you can read the shameful story in Chapter 9 of Spoiling for a Fight: Third-Party Politics in America, by Micah L. Sifry (New York: Routledge, 2002)). At present, fusion is legal in 10 states and illegal in the other 40. But that’s not enshrined in any state constitution, and could be changed by ordinary legislation.

Huh? What makes you think the Dems would be any more interested in giving up their power base?

You don’t recognize that term as the “Dems and Pubs are the same” slogan?

Republican. Democrat.

You think? Here are edited excerpts from Pew’s brief descriptions of each of the groupings:

PARTY ID: 72% Republican; 24% Independent, Lean Republican
COMMENTS: As in 1994, this extremely partisan Republican group’s politics are driven by a belief in the free enterprise system and social values that reflect a conservative agenda. Dissatisfied with the state of the nation, Staunch Conservatives pay close attention to what is going on in politics and are highly vocal.
DEFINING VALUES: Pro-business, pro-military, pro-life, anti-gay and anti-social welfare with a strong faith in America. Anti-environmental. Self-defined patriot. Distrustful of government. Little concern for the poor. Unsupportive of the women’s movement.
WHO THEY ARE: Predominately white (95%), male (65%) and older. Married (70%). Extremely satisfied financially (47% make at least $50,000). Almost two-thirds (63%) are white Protestant.

PARTY ID: 76% Republican; 22% Independent, Lean Republican
COMMENTS: Although loyal Republicans, these voters split with other GOP groups in their more positive views toward government and politicians, the environment and even Bill Clinton. These upbeat Moderate Republicans strongly believe America can solve its problems. They take conservative positions on social welfare issues, however.
DEFINING VALUES: Pro-business, pro-military, but also pro-government. Strong environmentalists. Highly religious. Self-defined patriots. Little compassion for poor. More satisfied than Staunch Conservatives with state of the union.
WHO THEY ARE: White, relatively well educated and very satisfied financially. Largest percent of Catholics across all groups.

PARTY ID: 72% Republican; 25% Independent, Lean Republican
COMMENTS: Populist Republicans stand out for their strong religious faith and conservative views on many moral issues. They are less affluent than other GOP groups, however. Many of their social values are similar to other wings of the Republican Party, yet Populist Republicans tend to favor government efforts to help the needy.
DEFINING VALUES: Religious, xenophobic and pro-life. Negative attitudes toward gays and elected officials. Sympathetic toward the poor. Most think corporations have too much power and money. Tend to favor environmental protection. Almost two-thirds are dissatisfied with the state of the nation.
WHO THEY ARE: Heavily female (60%) and less educated. Fully 42% are white evangelical Protestants.

PARTY ID: 69% Independent, 21% Republican, 5% Democrat
COMMENTS: Affluent and less religious, this group is basically non-partisan with a slight lean toward the Republican Party. New Prosperity Independents are highly satisfied with the way things are going in the country. A majority approves of Bill Clinton, yet tends to be critical of government. One-third consider themselves Internet enthusiasts. Two-thirds favor having a third major political party in addition to the Democrats and Republicans.
DEFINING VALUES: Pro-business, pro-environment and many are pro-choice. Sympathetic toward immigrants, but not as understanding toward black Americans and the poor. Somewhat critical of government. Tolerant on social issues.
WHO THEY ARE: Well educated (38% have a college degree), affluent (almost one-fourth earn at least $75,000) and young (70% less than age 50). Slightly more men than women (55% to 45%, respectively). Less religious (only 13% go to church weekly).

PARTY ID: 73% Independent, 8% Democrat, 6% Republican
COMMENTS: The Disaffecteds feel completely estranged from both parties. This financially pressured and pessimistic group is not only dissatisfied with the ability of politicians to help improve things, but also has less faith in America in general.
DEFINING VALUES: Distrustful of government, politicians, and business corporations. Favor third major political party. Also, anti-immigrant and intolerant of homosexuality. Very unsatisfied financially.
WHO THEY ARE: Less educated (only 8% have a college degree) and lower-income (73% make less than $50,000). More than one-quarter (28%) describe themselves as poor. Half are between the ages of 30-49. Second only to Partisan Poor in number of single moms. One-fifth (20%) work in manufacturing.

PARTY ID: 56% Democrat; 41% Independent, Lean Democrat
COMMENTS: Extremely tolerant on social issues. Champion individual rights and a range of liberal causes. Despite steadfast support for Democratic candidates, many Liberal Democrats prefer to call themselves Independents. Most favor having a third major party.
DEFINING VALUES: Pro-choice and support civil rights, gay rights, and the environment. Critical of big business. Very low expression of religious faith. Most sympathetic of any group to the poor, African-Americans and immigrants. Highly supportive of the women’s movement.
WHO THEY ARE: Most highly educated group (50% have a college degree). Least religious of all typology groups. One-third never married.

PARTY ID: 70% Democrat; 27% Independent, Lean Democrat
COMMENTS: This group differs from other Democratic-leaning groups with its conservative views on many social and political issues. Socially Conservative Democrats are less tolerant of immigrants and gays. Almost two-thirds think people should be willing to fight for the country whether it is right or wrong. Nearly three-fourths describe themselves as working class.
DEFINING VALUES: Pro-U.S., yet disenchanted with the government. Intolerant on social issues. Positive attitude toward military. Think big business has too much power and money. Highly religious. Not affluent but satisfied financially.
WHO THEY ARE: Slightly less educated, older group (27% are women over age 50). Labor union supporters. Higher than average number (62%) are married.

PARTY ID: 75% Democrat; 21% Independent, Lean Democrat
COMMENTS: Strong faith in President Clinton’s platform on a range of social and political issues. They are the most satisfied of any group with the president and the state of the union. New Democrats also include the second largest group of African-Americans.
DEFINING VALUES: Favorable view of government. Pro-business, yet think government regulation is necessary. Concerned about environmental issues and think government should take strong measures in this area. Accepting of gays. Somewhat less sympathetic toward the poor, black Americans and immigrants than Liberal Democrats.
WHO THEY ARE: Many are reasonably well educated and fall into the middle-income bracket. Nearly six-in-ten (58%) are women and 21% are black. Numerous are self-described union supporters.

PARTY ID: 85% Democrat; 12% Independent, Lean Democrat
COMMENTS: Poorest of the ten groups, these voters are very religious, anti-business, and strong supporters of government efforts to help the needy. The Partisan Poor includes the largest group of African-Americans (39%).
DEFINING VALUES: Xenophobic and anti-big business. Disenchanted with government. Think the government should do even more to help the poor. Very religious. Support civil rights and the women’s movement.
WHO THEY ARE: Have very low incomes (40% make under $20,000), and two-thirds (66%) are female. Nearly four-in-ten are African-American and 14% are Hispanic. Not very well educated. Pro-labor union. Largest group of single mothers.

PARTY ID: 54% Independent, 25% Democrat, 10% Republican
COMMENTS: These Americans choose not to participate in politics, or are not eligible to do so (noncitizens).
DEFINING VALUES: Somewhat sympathetic toward poor. Uninterested in what goes on in politics. Rarely vote.
WHO THEY ARE: Young (49% under 30), less educated and not very religious. Work in manufacturing, construction and restaurant/retail industries.

I leave it to Dopers supporting particular third parties to decide which grouping might become your party’s electoral base in the future, and who has the best chance of recruiting new voters from the ranks of the Bystanders. But, I repeat: This is not a picture of a center-seeking electorate.

Oh, and here’s another one:

6. From the voter’s point of view, a multiparty system is more coherent than a two-party system.

By “coherent,” I mean that it is clear what each party label means and what you’re supporting when you vote for that party. That’s not what we’ve got now. Each of our parties is a “big tent” of several very different factions. Voters often rely on a party label to guide them if they don’t have time to learn details about the actual candidates.

But when you vote the straight Republican ticket, how do you know what you’re really endorsing? A given Republican candidate might be a big-business conservative, a religious conservative, a foreign-policy neocon, or a moderate. A political party that includes George Bush, Pat Robertson, Jesse Helms and John McCain just does not make any sense.

A given Democrat might be a pro-business DLC Democrat, or an environmentalist, or a social conservative, or a black activist, or a labor unionite, or even a socialist. A political party that includes Joe Lieberman, Hillary Clinton, Richard Gephardt, Al Sharpton and Dennis Kucinich just does not make any sense.

Even worse, both big parties lack internal discipline – there is no way to define membership. Candidates and officeholders are essentially independent entrepeneurs, who are expected to manage and finance their own campaigns with no help from the party organization – and whose party labels might be a matter of momentary convenience. If you’re registered to vote Republican you can call yourself a Republican, and even that probably is not strictly necessary. I’m sure the RNC would love to expel David Duke from the party, and the DNC would like to be able to say Lyndon LaRouche is no Democrat – but they can’t. Unlike the more tightly organized parties of Europe, the Republicrats have no membership cards, membership dues, or expulsion mechanisms.

If we have a larger number of smaller parties, each party will also be more ideologically homogeneous and consistent, and the party labels will really mean something unambiguous. It is also likely that these parties would be better organized, better disciplined, and more directly involved in their candidates’ campaigns. All in all, much more coherent.