A musical map of New York City

I was thinking about songs that mention actual NYC addresses or intersections, thinking it would be interesting to create a sort of musical map of the city, that you could stand in front of real places named in songs. Unfortunately, my knowledge of music isn’t that vast. Here’s what I’ve got so far:

Stranded at Broadway and Bleecker - “Myraid Harbour” by the New Pornographers
Where 7th Avenue meets Broadway (Times Square) - “New York City Boy” by the Pet Shop Boys
Underneath the big clock at the corner of 5th Avenue and 22nd Street - “Four of Two” by They Might Be Giants
Used to take the subway up to Houston and 3rd - “New York, New York” by Ryan Adams
Lexington and 52nd Street - “Lexington and 52nd Street” from the TV show Smash
560 State Street - “Empire State of Mind” by Jay-Z

I’m sure I’m missing a hundred others. Any ideas? I’m looking for intersections and addresses, not just NYC places like “I recall Central Park in fall.”

53rd and 3rd – Ramones (song from their debut album)

The Boxer – Simon and Garfunkel (“just a come-on from the whores on Seventh Avenue”)

Bleeker and MacDougal – Fred Neil (title song of his 1965 album)

Hanging out on Second Avenue eating chicken vindaloo-- The Ramones, Looking for Something To Do
Love was just a passing word when he dropped you off at East 83rd-- Oddyssey, Native New Yorker

“Cause I want to be on 106 and Park pushing a Benz” - All Falls Down, Kanye West

Feeling Groovy The 59th Street Bridge Song (the Queensboro bridge) Simon and Garfunkel

The lyrics to “42nd Street” mention Times Square, which should count as an intersection.

Up to lexington, 125 “Waiting for the Man”-- Velvet Underground.

Lexington and 125th - Waiting for My Man by the Velvet Underground

Argh! <shakes tiny fist at JohnnyQ>

[Lou Reed]

Up to Lexington, and 1 - 2 - 5
Feel sick and dirty, more dead than alive -
I’m - I’m waiting for my man

[/Lou Reed]

ETA: ARGH!! Ninja’d by TWO prior posts - bravo, guys!
how about 53rd and 3rd by Dee Dee Ramone - where the rent boys used to hang out…crap, DChord beat me to that one, too!

From George & Ira Gershwin’s Manhattan:

(Assuming we’re including all the boroughs)

The Bronx
Staten Island
The (Bronx) Zoo
Delancy Street
Mott Street
Coney Island
Central Park
Greenwich (Village or Street)
Bowling Green
Jamaica Bay
Fifth Avenue
Inspiration Point

“Big Man on Mulberry Street” - Billy Joel.

No mention of (and I know this may be controversial/someone will probably not like this song) Billy Joel’s “New York State Of Mind”?

“I was walking up Sixth Avenue when balloon man blew up in my face
There were loads of them on Bryant Park so I didn’t feel out of place”

  • Robyn Hitchcock & The Egyptians - “Balloon Man”

“Then as I walked down Second Avenue toward St. Mark’s Place
Where all those people sell used books and other junk on the street”

  • King Missile - “Detachable Penis”

“Down on Sullivan Street across from the Medical Center” - Billy Joel in “Moving Out”

In the song “Streets of New York” by the Irish folk group the Wolfe Tones…
“We came in the Shore Parkway to the flatlands of Brooklyn
To me Uncle’s apartment on East 53rd.”

And later…

“So I went up to Nellie’s beside Fordham Road.”

Ah - here’s one not mentioned yet: Positively Fourth Street by Bob Dylan. Slamming a woman he thinks is a Greenwich Village folkie phony…

The Two Ronnies, Broadway Malady:

An oldie but a goodie: Greg Kihn - Madison Avenue: Madison Avenue - Greg Kihn - YouTube

I’m a Madison Avenue Man - I can make your fantasies a part of my plan
I’m a Madison Avenue Man - let me touch your money with my Madison hands…


That’s Rodgers and Hart, not the Gershwins, but it’s a great example.

There’s a whole song about the jazz clubs on 52nd Street. It’s an old standard, nothing to do with Billy Joel, but unfortunately I can’t find it through Google because of other musical items that also were named after 52nd St. I have a recording of it by Elaine Stritch.

Sonic Youth has an album called Murray Street.

I don’t know where you’d even begin to catalog all the places the Beastie Boys rapped about.