A new "Finish the" story will start this Wednesday, use this thread for Q&A

Good one, baker. I especially like the continuity of using a lower case q for Royal Family male names.

And internal conflict is always fun to watch.


Thanks NCB! And as I pointed out in that email, in the second story, towards the end, I used the name of the uncle already. Tobermory/q’Stant’Lit was discussing Xavvian inheritance customs. His name is q’Stant’Lit, his uncle is q’Lit’Liav, and hisuncle, the emperor, is q’Liav’Amhar.

If the pattern is continued, when Corianav bears Tobe an heir, he would be name q’Something’Stant.

Yes, I know what Darson is now. I’m trying to flesh it out a bit. Bear with me.

“Glitnir” and “wing” are codewords for Forsetti and Hingman, respectively.

The plant is a plant.

[Dr. Bombay laugh]

Kel canon and naming conventions

In Story II, we established that all Kel are twins. Following the naming lead of Story II, Xol’s sibling shoukd either be named Xolla or aXol, if or when introduced.

Jeff, in case you didn’t get the email message I sent, I wanted to let you know that the four characters you mentioned will be in the same place together, in public, in the next post I would write.

That could change if someone writes something that would make it difficult, of course.

Hint me, then. Either here or e-mail, cuase I was about to expand on the Xol vs Kark exchange.

NCB, you can write what you want to. It’s just that Jeff had said he had a neat idea for and exchange between Cori and Kark, and that it would work better if Robert and M’Artel were present.

Hopefully it’s flexible, I know I am. I think a couple posts ahead, but am always ready to change! :stuck_out_tongue:

Check out the posts in this thread, midday, on 9/10.

Yeah, I remember him saying that. It’s just that some of them are stuck in a locked room with a Kel right now. I was going to elaborate on the conversation between Kark and Xol, but if you were going to maneuver them around somehow, I might wait and see what’s happening. Sabe? :wink:

NCB, check your email.

Okay, I’ve got a wonderfully wicked idea on Darson’s new gender. I’m not ready to reveal it yet, I need more of a set-up. Since Cori has an idea what’s going on, I need to get them alone together. Kark, Darson, and Cori are going to lunch to discuss the Kel situation. If someone can get Darson and Cori alone, I can take it from there.

I can do that but I’d rather have someone have them discuss the Kel situation first.

Oh, yes, definitely. I can wait. We also need to remember that Darson is out to get Robert now.

And Dr. Innison is on the way, and is the Voss religious demonstration still going on?

I have a theory, and it may shape differently, that escalating religious conflicts will prove to be a front, a smokescreen for some political motive. Discrediting key figures like M’Artel could be a start.

The Voss sit-in is still there. They want to clean up the murder scene to restore spiritual peace. At least some do. I didn’t want them to clean up incase anyone else wanted to use the scene to uncover more clues or check adjoining rooms for clues or new insights.

I don’t know where we want to take it and would love suggestions or scenes. I too think it is a smokescreen. Someone or group wants to foment rebellion. It might be felt that the police and law (science & secular) want to stop the religious and so there is a clash of “faiths”.

I want to see what the Kel is fomenting so I can meld in this event, or do you just want me to mix up something and see where it goes? I just didn’t want to get the plot mired in a mundane land grab or something if any of you were writing up a plot to destroy the human race, or some such of a thang.

Maybe that’s where Kark can go after the Kel discussion at lunch with Cori and Darson. There can be some sort of kerfluffle, and as he goes to make peace, discovers another clue.

This will also leave Cori and Darson alone, where Cori can reveal that she knows Darson’s dilemma now…


The War is no mere land grab, as there would seem to be no lack to planets and the technology needed to make them viable habitats.

Also, there has already been at least one attempted genocide, in which certain Kel were involved.

Let’s not forget that The Council’s Ruling indicates just how important religion is in the galaxy picture. Having Cowd involved and a heresy of sorts (in the Voss’ view) implied the Sykoft murder scene… Well, let’s just say some very big things may be happening. Thrones and stones and dead men’s bones.
*use or ignore as you see fit, the story is already living a life of it’s own. :cool:

The science of religion and the religion of science.

It’s almost like a multi species Orange Catholic revolution.

Just to let the other authors know, I have saved all the current entries in the story. The boards are back up again, but you never know. I have to go to work in about 15 minutes, but will be counting the minutes until I get back here. At least my tremors of withdrawal from the SDMB have stopped.