A news bot spotted in the wild of YouTube? Or foreign fake news makers in training?

So I looked for video news of construction workers that recently removed a confederate statue, on orders from the city or an university in Charlottesville, the Google search pointed at a Guardian news video.

Well that was amusing now, but I wonder if this News Time (nothing in the “About” section BTW) outfit is not a preparation for something that will be deployed soon for less ethical reasons… or an all thumbs ESL video student with no clue.

First some odd things: First frame makes it look like a video from the guardian, it is not. Then after a generic shot of civil war soldiers the narrator talks about the bronze plaques of the statues being removed too and… the video shows a dental procedure looking for dental plaque :face_with_raised_eyebrow:, then there is a quote from an activist reporting that they are moving the needle. Anyone with some experience with idioms knows that it refers to:

  1. To shift the situation in some area, activity, sphere etc. to a noticeable degree.

We need to move the needle on global poverty.


From the indicator needle of a measuring instrument such as the speedometer.

But whoever or whatever put this video report together shows a video shot of a… hypodermic needle!

More odd things are that when protesters are shown, we get a shot of an unrelated protest in Spain, Argentina or other Hispanic nation. An the audio gets louder later. :man_facepalming:t4:

So what you guys think? Bot training or foreign guys practicing to create distractions for the coming election or international incident?

The narration seems to be verbatim from an actual article at The Guardian, which also features a photograph likely used for the first frame of this video.

I also noticed the background music slowly increasing in volume toward the end, eventually overwhelming the voiceover.

I wonder if The Guardian (which I took to be a generally reliable source of news) has a case for having this video taken down even though they’re credited for it in the video description.

Clearly a ‘newsbot’, and hilarious :smiley:

Although I do wonder if a newsbot would be so deceptive as to add a single frame shot of a real report that does not appear in the rest of the video. IIRC when I looked at how that takes place some editors can add a single frame from another source, and it is not at random that that takes place, editors can make an specific frame to become the thumbnail of the video.

Seems to me that it is done to poison the Google and YouTube recommendations.

It’s the source of the story so they threw it in. It’s just doing some very simple word associations to select the video.

Oh I found it, I was not imagining things:

The important bit to me is this one:

You can choose a video thumbnail when you initially upload the video, or later, when the video has been processed. You can even change it after it’s published.

Well see later if the makers of that video do the right thing and remove that deceptive frame and text.

Ah! I see what you are getting at. I thought lots of videos did that kind of thing. There’s usually a shot of a scantily clad young woman doing something remotely related to the title of the video.

As an aside:

This is bugging me, that video did remind me of a joke a stand-up comedian said once:

“I was going for the gingivitis trophy but I only got a plaque!” :grin:

Any one remembers who was that comedian? (circa 1990-2000)


That account was: [Arnold Schwarzenegger voice]



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