A Perfectly Reasonable Amount of Schadenfreude about Things Happening to Trump & His Enablers (Part 1)

That’s pure fantasy.

His handlers OTOH…

No. And as @Roderick_Femm points out, they could have done much worse. But in my mind, there’s no question those foundations were weakened.

There was a lot going on behind the scenes, including and especially at the FBI, even during Obama’s terms to radicalize its employees. Spearheading this effort was Rudy Giuliani. Comey was coping with a group of agents who despised Hillary Clinton and who were working in very partisan ways to undermine her. Many of these folks – and others in traditional law enforcement – listen exclusively to Fox “News” in forming their views.

These radicalized agents were a significant factor in Comey’s decision to speak about Hillary’s non-indictment in July 2016. He had hoped to head off inevitable leaks from the Giuliani FBI mob and control the message in advance of those leaks by speaking about the decision publicly. It turned out to be a terrible mistake, but who could have foreseen Anthony Weiner’s fucking laptop back then?

Our little ‘d’ democracy has been under siege by anti-democratic forces for a long time, and they have had an effect. The Russians are unquestionably involved in this effort. So are Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch. So are Republicans who’ve been co-opted by Russia – a distressingly large number.

What unites them is power and greed. It’s a potent force for evildoing.

I believe Biden and Garland are keenly aware of these dangers and are working as fast and hard as they can to fix it. But it’s a lot, especially on top of an open insurrection and a global pandemic and and and. There remain very powerful moneyed forces arrayed against them. I only hope it’s not too late.

He did. They really were willing to pull every lever of power they could to see what they could get away with. Turns out… a lot.

Rudy buddy Lev Parnas has been found guilty of violating campaign finance laws

I get the feeling there will others closer to DJT (Giuliani) who will get snared in this web of improper financial schemes.

No problem. President Trump, exercising his Eternal Executive Privilege powers, will quickly pardon them all.

That’s right; because once you’re President you can do anything you want, forever!

Cool! That means Obama can un-pardon them. And since he was prez before Trump he has seniority. Or rmaybe we can get all the living former presidents to pardon or un-pardon and whichever side has the most entries wins.

Ha, if that was how it worked we could probably get Bush, Clinton, Carter and Obama to pre-emptively un-pardon Trump for any future charges or convictions. Then if he tried to pardon himself, as we know he considered, we’d have another chance to tell him “Sorry Donald…you lose.”

Uncanny how the every time you turn over a rock a Trump associate has been tending a Russian scurries out.

I can’t wait to see who exactly is holding Moscow Mitch McConnell’s reins.

Oh, that’s easy. In Russia, all roads lead to Putin.

a) Maybe less caffeine?
b) Comey was a member of Starr’s Whitewater investigation and thought, at the time, that they should charge her with destruction of evidence. In general, when he has spoken of her, he has given the sense that he believes that she’s guilty of a variety of things - they just can’t prove it well enough to convince 12 average folk when up against some high hitting lawyers.

If Comey is the savior in your anti-Hillary conspiracy theory, the theory seems unlikely.

I read his book. That’s where I got his take on things.

There isn’t an unpardon power though.

If the DA/AG/whatever has held some charges back, in reserve, then you can go in for a new prosecution… That’s sort of an effective un-pardoning.

Sure, but that isn’t a former president using their unpardon power. And that is as much debate as I’m willing to engage in regarding an otherwise okay joke. :slight_smile:

Most Americans don’t want Donald Trump to be elected President in 2024.

There is a growing number, however (non-voters though some of them may be) who will do ANYTHING, literally ANYTHING, to be sure Donald is elected in 2024—because he has (you can bet) promised them pardons.

No schadenfreude here–just a wary anticipation of what these people will be supporting/encouraging/doing in coming months. My guess is that their most malign influence will be manifest in their support for ‘all Democrats are evil and violence against them is God’s work’ initiatives.

Well, no. Neither can ex-presidents do whatever they want forever. But since Donald doesn’t seem to know either of these things, perhaps we can tell him there is.

ISTR one Kevin McCarthy is on the list of people Parnas funnelled money to. He can’t be too thrilled about this latest news, which may be why his battle with Liz Cheney is heating up.

It seems Kevin McCarthy is in the pay of a foreign government, and has been tasked with destroying public faith in elections and the destruction of the country.
I think there’s a word for this behavior…

I think it’s a word that none dare call it.