A Perfectly Reasonable Amount of Schadenfreude about Things Happening to Trump & His Enablers (Part 1)

A series of Tweets Sharpied on toilet paper?

On paper towels.

Here’s a whole thread on Parler and it’s … ahhh … inconsistencies.

It ain’t supposed to read. It’s supposed to be bought.

Yeah, this. It’s to have sitting out on top of the TV so when your neighbors come over they can see it displayed proudly under this week’s TV Guide.

Also, it may well be suggested, it makes a great Malicious Gift for your librul relatives. Take that, libruls!!!1!!

Umm, it was kind of you to think of me, but orange isn’t really my color - I’m more of a Spring. Did you happen to keep the receipt?

Wait, wait, wait, is it a pop-up book? Cause if it’s a pop-up book, I want one, for, ah, erm, uh, reasons.

Seen plenty of tweets of this manner, so here’s some freshly killed schadenfreude…

Act 1:

Google Photos

Act 2:

Google Photos

Act 3:

Google Photos

Plot twist!

Google Photos

Trump got 304 electoral votes. So Biden’s 306 would best him if all holds.

Poor Trump. It’s really been an election of two halves for him, hasn’t it: Bad and Worse.

Sorry, I donated the receipt to the Glorious Cause of Trumpian (White) Supremacy.

In your name. :dark_sunglasses:

The first tweet pasted in your thread is by Jenna Ellis, a notably authoritarian gal who appeared on last week’s Real Time with Bill Maher. In traditional Bill Maher fashion, he totally let her off the hook for her 100% bad-faith-argumentation, because she’s youngish and semi-attractivish in an Eva Braun-ish way.

So that’s some schadenfreude on Bill Maher: it’s so sad that he can’t hold right-wing shills to account if he thinks there’s even a 1% chance he could get somewhere with them…

Check this out:

This is the link to the actual article in The Federalis:

…and here is why the writer is a hopeless optimist:

In other words, Donald Trump is a fascist. Or, at least, as close to a fascist as America’s political culture is ever going to produce.

America’s right wing political culture is just getting warmed up.

It’s a pop-up.

And yes, that’s what I was implying.

ETA: Crap. Ninja’d. Should have read the rest of the thread.

Oh, yes. They’ve seen what can be done by dimwitted rank incompetents. Now they’re excited about what could, quite possibly, be accomplished by people with IQs above room temperature.

Minority rule is by definition anti-democratic, so Republicans are by definition enemies of democracy.

And they see nothing wrong with that.

In Michigan schadenfreude news:

One, advance s. for the two Michigan GOP officials, who will be part of certifying the MI vote, who are going to the White House to meet with Trump! Because why wouldn’t they?!?!?!?!? And the advance s. is for what Trump will do to them after they do his bidding (or submit to his threats or whatever it will be), and then he needs fall guys, and then I hope they’re interested in the undersides of high-capacity road vehicles!

In the same article is news of the two Michigan GOP canvassers who first said they wouldn’t certify the vote, then said they would, and now want to take that back:

But they can’t take it back! It’s so sad!

  1. I lost the train of discussion about the Federalist, could someone catch me up?

  2. What can Trump possibly offer the Michigan legislature Republicans to do something as illegal as he wants?

I assumed, when I heard they were going to DC, that this is where they will be presented with their compromat and told what they must do henceforth.

Ambassador to Ukraine!

And regardless of whether said compromat is real or deepfaked, the guys from MI don’t / won’t have the resources (or probably gumption) to defeat it.

Or of course, in addition to sticks there’s always carrots. Here’s your nice new swiss bank account passbook with 5 Meeellion dollars in it. Now run along like a good boy, do your job as instructed and you can have your dessert when that’s done.