A Perfectly Reasonable Amount of Schadenfreude about Things Happening to Trump & His Enablers (Part 1)

Republicans are divided on whether acting like children is a good thing or a bad thing.

Not sure how a video of some guy (I have no idea who he is, some anonymous YT commenter) sitting in front of a camera and spouting his own opinions amounts to schadenfreude. Admittedly, I didn’t get past halfway through, maybe the good schadenfreude came later.

To the surprise of nobody with reasonable thinking skills, a research firm hired by Trump found no evidence of wrongdoing in the 2020 election. Of course, he buried the findings. I’m guessing he also tried to bury the 600k bill.

Apparently he’s a progressive Floridian.



I didn’t say I cared who he is either, even if he is not quite anonymous.

(Gift link)

My favorite passage:

“I’ve never seen anything like it,” Chuck Rosenberg, a former federal prosecutor and former F.B.I. official, said of the cascade of Trump aides and lawyers becoming drawn into investigations. “It’s just a whirling dust cloud, and everyone who gets near it gets covered in grime.”

I don’t know Mr. Rosenberg, but I suspect if he had not been speaking to the NYT, he might have used a word other than “grime.”

I’ve seen him as a talking head on MSNBC a lot, and he’s pretty low-key. That’s rather purplish prose for him.

Go, Jack, go!

Very true. Rosenberg is possibly the least-inclined-to-hyperbole commentator around.

If this doesn’t constitute strong evidence that Trump KNEW he’d lost the election, I don’t know what would. I mean, what else could anyone ask? You’re not going to get an email or other written communication from Trump saying “yeah, I lost.”

If this isn’t good enough, what would be?

You forget, Trump’s going to control the narrative as long as possible. He’s going to use the “stolen election” bromide as a 2024 campaign issue, and continue to use it after he loses. He knows a lie becomes the truth when it’s repeated often enough. He won’t publicly admit to the actual result, no matter how many volumes of truth are thrown at him. Neither will his followers.

I don’t think he physically could admit it without modifiers.

At the risk of a hijack, I’m gonna put this one here, because I don’t know where else to put it.

“I won the election if you don’t count the votes of all those ‘woke’ mobsters who refuse to Vote Trump just because they hate me! It’s not fair to have an election when one candidate is hated by so many lamesters on the left!”

The fun part is going to be seeing how is uses it when he’s losing the Republican primary. Does anyone know when the 2024 Republican convention is likely to be? I want to know which date to target my purchase of popcorn futures.

It’s more than a year off so it wouldn’t be set.

But who else would be it be? It’s the same issue from 2015 - people are writing him off for some reason, but he was leading the field the entire way.

That can certainly change over the next year, but for the moment, he’s leading the field. I don’t see much short of a stroke that changes how this plays out.

The big difference is that the field is much smaller. In 2016, everyone and his dog in the GOP took a shot at the nomination, and that was a big part of what let Trump get so far ahead.

Now, all the bit players know they’re doomed going up against Trump, but a big player like DeSantis still thinks he has a shot, and a lot of other Republicans seem to be backing that. If the party can keep it to a Trump vs. DeSantis vote, DeSantis has a real shot. It’s not a guarantee for him to win, but it’s not a guarantee for Trump, either.

The really hilarious thing, IMHO, is how it’s going to shred the GOP for 2024.

They can’t coalesce behind another candidate until Trump is charged with potential crimes. This won’t get him out of the race, but it will give the GOP cover to advance a different candidate. When they do, Trump will fuck them good and hard by running as an independent.

So their choice is to either back an indicted likely felon or try to escape his clutches. No other candidate or big money donor knows where to jump until this is resolved, except the Kochs and McConnell’s war chest. They for sure won’t back Trump. Tick, tock, tick, tock, every day the dilemma lasts is another day they can’t organize behind a new candidate.

Take your time, please, Mr. Smith! I am confident he has a “charge by” date in mind. But I’m happy to leave it up to him.

Meanwhile, Biden is already happily campaigning away. I’ve seen his ads in heavy rotation. They’re all so positive, too.

That tweet speaks to the literal meaning of the title of this thread.

Looks like the House GOP is reserving “mobsters” for their very own use:


The CNN author’s take may be a bit conservative: the Five Families reference is not merely to a movie, but was used in real life for the New York mafia and associated conflicts.

So, you must find another term for the “woke”----Organized Crime references have been reserved by today’s Republican Party!!!

Yes, I think Roger Stone patented them when he ordered Randy Credico to “do a Frankie ‘Five-Angels’” at his trial.