A pitting for Paul_was_in_Saudi

Matthew 7:(9)
Except for car keys; for thou mayest search for them for hours and not find them, for I have hidden them well. And scissors are right out.

It has been a really long time since I saw the phrasing, but I looked at that sentence and my mind popped up that “cutting” a book once meant cutting the (originally folded) pages open so that they could be read.

So I imagined God saying ‘Hah! By cutting the Bible you have opened the pages so it can be read!’

And this is why I love the Dope.

And on this rock I will build my church. So if I have this right, Peter beats scissors but paper beats Peter?

Where do spock and lizard come into it?

I don’t understand the finer theological points.

In the butt, Bob.

So the atheist never cooked before or at least seen someone cook and is therefore unable to use deductive reasoning that there must have been a cook?

Something like that. I’d have countered, “I have cooked a number of times, am I therefore a God?”

Heh. I probably would have just stood there with my mouth open like, “WTF?”.

This analogy only works if nobody on earth has ever cooked something or seen a cook.

Folks, it’s an analogy made by Ronald Reagan. Even his chimp co-star wanted to strangle the dumb bastard.

I know, for a fact, we have 7 pairs of scissors in this house, ranging from kids small size via kitchen to material cutting shears.

At any one point in time, I - an atheist - can not find a single one.

God exists. Q.E.D.

Isn’t that polytheism?

Matthew 7: 10
And for those who gnash and wail for your forelorn missing socks, thou art mightily screwed.

How the hell can I rend my garment with no scissors?


Why such little love for the Old Testament?

Psalm 137:9
Happy is the one who seizes your scissors and dashes them against the rocks.

I’m an atheist and my scissors just about jump out at me, so I can only conclude that your disbelief isn’t strong enough.

I must admit that beating your Peter can be fun.
And if cutting the Bible was good enough for Jefferson, it’s good enough for me.