A pitting for Paul_was_in_Saudi

Probably a clumsy attempt to reference will to power, honestly,

If so, he’s talking about people forcing their pronouns and lifestyles on others. It’s a pretty typical reactionary attitude among bigots.

At base, whether it’s a reference to that proto-Nazi philosopher guy or not, it’s typical disingenuous right wing rhetoric trying to paint support for human rights as support for authoritarianism.

Fuck him.

Wow, I’ve been getting caught up on the “Easthampton school superintendent” thread and Boy-howdee, is PWIS is trolling hard there. I mean the dodging Miller’s request for a straight answer is cheap, but not unknown for some of our posters.

But THIS???

“Why? Taking offense when none is intended seems foolish, if common.”

Which, in context was to a female poster who felt that ladies can and has been using insultingly and due to our existing social pressure, has to suck it up.

(for the record, the poster in question did not accept his BS, and rightly so)

Yeah what an absolute prick. From lying in the OP until he slinked away from the thread like the bigoted slime that he is. Not to mention telling someone to take it to the Pit thread where he is too much of a coward to participate. He is exactly what’s wrong with America.

Paul wasn’t really on my radar until he left Saudi Arabia. Then, his behavior changed and became so outrageous I figured he was either actively trying to be banned or somebody had gotten ahold of his password and was using his account to troll us.

Then, for a bit he was quiet again. Now, in this thread Netflix CEO doubles down on "transphobia in media isn't harmful" he is being outrageous, stupid and hateful.

He asserts, repeatedly and without evidence that rather than the family trauma her family attributes a woman’s suicide to, it was the evil liberals who hounded her to death!

"I would sum it up as a comedian makes people uncomfortable for a living. But when liberals were made uncomfortable they found such misbehavior inexcusable. They screamed and drove a woman to her death.

And then were incapable of self-examination."

"Good point. The family knows nothing. The press lies. Your gut feelings are the only source of truth.

How are you different from a Trump election denier exactly?"

" Blame the victims family much? There was a time people could still feel shame for saying things like that.

In any case, you ought to consider the certainty of your beliefs. In my experience, certainty is the second-most dangerous thing in the world.

“The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wise people so full of doubts.”

–Bertrand Russell "

“I find it wonderful that you can wash your hands so quickly and confidently. Most people would at least consider the possibility that they might have contributed to this tragedy. As I said, certainly is the second-most dangerous thing in the world.”

There’s more, but it’s been a long day.

Isn’t he driving a school bus now? I’d guess that isn’t good for one’s mental health.

I noticed it too, he became more and more unhinged in the last years since he’s been Paul_Was_In_Saudi. He never was on my crackpot radar when he still was Paul_In_Qatar or Paul_In_Saudi. Maybe he got brainwashed by the totalitarian Saudi regime, I don’t know, I seem to remember that he even tried to defend that vile regime once in the last months.

Are you sure those are all the same poster?

Yeah, I think so. I even seem to remember the announcements of the name changes.

Paul in Qatar seems to be a diff person…

Altho…I could be wrong about that…they both started the mass killings threads

I still think they are all the same person, but maybe @Paul_was_in_Saudi can clear that up himself. I don’t want to insinuate anything that maybe I misremember.

Same guy.

His pit tread thinks so as well…my mistake…

Has he been doing this shit on other topics, or it is just when related to trans issues? Because that seems to have broken the brains of other posters as well, who had previously seemed rather decent.

I actually blame TERFs. People here know to ignore the right wing bigots, but the TERFs know how to code their bigotry in more progressive language. And they are fighting pretty hard right now as it seems trans people are being more and more accepted.

I cited what I read in The Economist.

It is interesting that you accuse me of being overly certain. While my words might not have included the usual modals, “all I know is what I read in the papers.” A very reliable news source has denounced those whose harsh words may have lead a woman to kill herself.

Has anyone on the local affiliate of Team Woke even admitted the possibility that their words might have caused harm? They seem quite certain.

I advocate kindness toward those we disagree with. Even if she has a differing opinion of a comedian.

Umm, who exactly is the local affiliate of Team Woke?

Yep, I spoke with him when we were both in Qatar.

Edited the title to bring it in line with the new rule about not insulting users in thread titles.

It would be better if you spent less time advocating it, and more time practicing it. Because you walked into that thread acting like the King of Assholes, and then turned into a shrieking infant when you got called out on your obvious bullshit.

And you didn’t present evidence for your position, you choad. Learn to tell the difference between editorials and evidence.

And what is the mascot?

I can hear the (we don’t really) fight song:

Win Win Team Woke
Unless we don’t
Crush the visitors
Only if they don’t mind
And don’t be mean about it
Fairness for all!
Ties are great
We’re all winners here