A Presidential Poll for the Rest of Us

Bush, with nose firmly crazy-glued shut.

If my state is a foregone conclusion, however, I may opt for the Libertarian candidate instead.



Kerry unless my state is a dead-lock, then libertarian

Anybody but Kerry!!!




But I’ll close my eyes and imagine I’m voting for Bob Kerrey. That guy can kick ass.


Unless I was absolutely convinced that he was going to lose WV no matter what. Then it’d be Nader, just to piss Kerry off :slight_smile:


If I continue to live in Massachusetts by the election - Libertarian candidate.

If I am living in NH by the election - Bush.



If you had a poll on “Which candidate’s nose would you punch?” I’d say Nader.


Bella Abzug :stuck_out_tongue:

As it stands now. Geez.

Can I say “undecided?”
Can I say John McCain or Colin Powell or Harold Ford or Sam Nunn or someone I actually look up to? No, huh?
Bush, for the war on terror and only that, and pray he has short coattails.

But I may yet go Libertarian.

I live in NY, so it doesn’t actually matter, alas.

I’ll put in the second vote for Richard Lugar. Let’s start a revolution Dogface!

        Are you allowed write in votes for president?


Q.E.D. :smiley:

If he declines, Bush.

Anna Kournikova. Oh, wait…has to be American born, right? OK then: Beyonce Knowles. Oh wait, gotta’ be at least 35 years old, right? OK then, Marisa Tomei

Ya’ gotta’ admit, my selections would make TV easier to look at over the next four years and they probably wouldn’t screw up any worse than Bush or Kerry will.