A proposal to bring both Bush and Gore supporters together

I move that every newsbeing who “called” the state of Florida for either candidate be covered with honey and staked out on an anthill.

(5:19 AM EST, 900-vote lead for Bush.)

Bush likely has it.

But in a spirit of bi-partisanship, I must say that two things from this night are very gratifying:

  • The media’s obsessive fascination with polls over the last few weeks made them look really stupid, because virtually all of them were wrong.

  • The media’s obsessive fascination with being the first to call various state races made them look ridiculous, in a way that will go down in history.

Do you ever wonder how so-and-so political pundit from such-and-such newspaper or magazine ever has time to write an article, let alone gather information for one, when they are on TV for hours every day?