A question about peanut butter cookies

Shut. Up.

(I think you may be onto something there.)

Yeah, I’m not sure how that never occurred to me, either.

You are my hero for introducing the word “disambiguate” to me. It’s my favorite new word.

Dammit, post a warning before you link to something that dangerous!

Oh, hell…why did I click on that link? It’s like food porn! And now I think I can actually smell cinnamon…

Even as a little kid who hated the taste of them, this is what I thought.

The no-flour recipe I found recently claimed it was to give the sugar garnish something to hold onto, but this makes a lot more sense. You have to push them down, and why not in the same pattern as the shell, for disambiguation?

I would have guessed that a cookie shovel is this. You scoop the rounded, flat edge on the left into the dough then squeeze the handles (as if they were tongs) to push the dough onto the cookie sheet. It’s what we always used for making cookies growin up. I still have one somewhere. These days I use the ice cream style scoop.