A question about porn!

Yesterday my friends and I decided to check out the local porn shop just for the hell of it (we think most porn shops are kind of funny, and besides, if we actually want porn we can pretty much get what we want on the 'net anyway) and we came upon (ha!) an entire section of videos with the category title of “Evil Angel”. What, pray tell, does that category title signify?

I did not know myself, but a web search shows it’s a porn video production company, owned by famed porn director John “Buttman” Stagliano.

I couldn’t stay long enough to peruse the site, but you should find your answer here.

I think you mean “Evil angle.” That’s when the girl lays backward off the bed with her left leg…well, I don’t want to get into it.
Actually, I think Evil Angel is a studio name.

Yes. Yes, it is, I just googled it.

Yup. Vivid, Wicked, Private, Evil Angel…

(I suppose if I rattle off any more labels from memory I will be confessing something about myself, yes?)

Oh, let me take it from my side of the fence then…

Vivid Man, Falcon, Titan, HIS, Colt…

OK, that makes sense. I was afraid to Google it at work. Probably just paranoid, but still…




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