A question for bicycling beer drinkers

Ah. Thanks!

Flyjack is a hazy IPA from Firestone Walker that has 96 calories and a fair amount of taste if you like that style.

I think some sours are pretty low cal, but I can’t stand them.

Aren’t religious diatribes supposed to be in Great Debates?

<just in case it’s not obvious, I’m joking, not disputing moderation>

This thread is NOT the hilarious train wreck I thought it was going to be.

Leaving disappointed.

I tried.

Well, it was the OP that disappointed me. I thought this was going to be a thread asking for advice on drinking and biking.

You’re a very trying person. :clown_face:

Don’t TV commercials always accurately reflect what people actually do?

Actually light beers do have less alcohol than their regular versions. Alcohol is a major contributor to a beers calorie count. An example is Budweiser having an ABV of 5% and Bud Light has 4.2%, a 16% reduction in alcohol content.

The only “light” beer I know of that has regular alcohol content is Bud Light Platinum at 6% ABV. But that stuff is hardly “light”. It has almost as many calories as regular Budweiser.

There is also Willer Beer

Guinness is pretty light and certainly has taste.

Heineken 00 is the best of the non-alcoholic beers. They use a special process to remove all the alcolhol. Much better than any of the 0.5% alcohol near beers sweet abominations like Sharp or Claushauser

A few months ago at a friend’s house, they offered me “a beer”: a can of Miller Lite. I was polite, but I was gobsmacked at how tasteless and watery it was. Amstel light is like a regular Pilsener type by comparison.

Even Bud Light is pretty bad, all of these mass brew must be an acquired taste. But Miller, Coors and Corona, I would rather just not drink them at all. Of course that is true of their non-Lite beers also. An ice cold Bud, especially draft, I can drink though I usually choose something significantly better.

I have to share this just because it’s beer related:

While this thread is very “light” on serious content, you’d be dumb to stop at the top of a strenuous climb. You should continue to ride, soft pedal, even in circles to cool down a bit. Keep pedaling so your large leg muscles take some of the load off your heart. The continued motion aids in evaporating your sweat which cools your body. Also, pouring liquid on your head instead of down your gullet is equally dumb. You want liquids inside to replace all the sweat pouring out of your body.

[Back to humor]

You say that like it’s a bad thing.

I like drinking pure water, not because of the taste, but because of the sensation and the thirst-quenching and it’s good for me. Water shouldn’t have a taste (other than tasting like water). I’m aware that there are people who don’t like to drink water, at least not without adding some flavoring to it, but that’s not me.

Similarly, under the right cercumstances (i.e. the beer is cold and I am thirsty and I welcome or at least don’t mind getting a little buzzed), I’ll gladly drink a beer that doesn’t have a strong taste to it. It’s better than beer that has a taste that I don’t like. As another current thread says, some people don’t like the taste of beer. I like the taste of some beer, but not all.

I like water. I like beer. I don’t want them intermingled so as to evoke the worst of both worlds. It’s not like Miller ‘Lite’ “doesn’t have a strong taste to it”, it’s that it’s got scarcely any discernible taste at all ( to my buds ). Think, can of water with two eyedroppers of regular beer added.

Years ago I remember someone said to me that they don’t like beer, but they do like Miller Lite. I scratched my head. It was like some chain restaurant’s ad many years ago: “Our fish doesn’t taste fishy”. I can just see: “Drink our beer, it’s the favorite of those that don’t like beer”.

Great job there Madison Avenue; you’ve pulled off a masterful journey into bizarro world. :roll_eyes:

Because it seems to fit.
