I live in a subterranean apartment whose front directs to the mere ground and which is very damp (I have problems with mould, but that’s for another thread…). The summers of 2019 and 2020 were very dry in Germany, and in both summers I had invasions of rough woodlice. I learned from the wisdom of the internet that this behavior is typical for droughts, because these fellers seek out humid places in a case of dry and hot weather. They just came in in droves for weeks and all died shortly after invading of hunger, I guess (except for the many ones that got caught by spiders). I had to sweep or vacuum the place every other day for the dead critters. Now the summer of 2021 was a normal, rather wet summer, and no woodlice showed up. Ok, that confirmed the theory. But this summer of 2022 again was very dry, even drier than those of 2019 and 2020, and again no woodlice showed up. Not a single one. What’s the deal about that?
I’m not an entomologist. I’m not even a carcinologist (woodlice are not strictly insects).
But is there a possibility that there just aren’t as many woodlice around after those drought years and other factors? I’ve been reading about insect species decline in Germany in recent years. That probably has an effect.
Yeah, their population probably hasn’t recovered since the earlier drought years