Rashak Mani:
I call “Bullshit!” Prove it.
Anecdotal incidents don’t work for us, so guess what…
In my book, if there’s a chance of someone shooting back at me should I become…*unreasonable…*then I would seriously consider being exceptionally polite to everyone I met at all times.
Cainxinth: is this supposed to be some sort of “what if” mental exercise?
I personally wouldn’t feel the need in such a world to go armed at all times; I never felt that particualr need when I had a concealed carry permit. I let it lapse because my circumstances changed and I no longer felt that I needed it. If my circumstances change again in the future, I may reapply, although now that I am in Missouri it may be more problematic than when I lived in Texas.
It is the considered opinion of many that more guns equals less crime, but I doubt that anyone who adheres to that principle would argue or agree that that principle, if extrapolated to its extreme, would still hold, or that it would necessarily be beneficial to society.
There is no “magic number” that I know of, or that I know of anyone putting forth, for a percentile of armed populace necessary to deter violent crime; there is also no number that I know of, or have heard put forth (by reasonable, intelligent people), of a percentile of the population where more guns equals more crime. I assume that it is understood that I am talking about percentage of the population legally carrying, open or concealed, and NOT about the percentage of the population that simply possesses firearms to some degree or another.
If there was unrestricted carry in the world, with carry being prohibited in government buildings and on any private property where posted, I think that most people would get tired of it real soon (as I did) and give it up except for when they really felt they needed it.
As far as your co-worker is concerned, you can tell him a card-carrying Life Member of the NRA says he’s an idiot who shouldn’t be allowed to breed, much less play with dangerous implements.