A salty salute to salt

I’ve been curious about this for some time. Now I bring it to you. What is the difference between various cooking salts, are some salts more “salty”? What is the flavor of salt in general, without using the word salt? There’s sea salts, table salts, pretzel salts, don’t all of these just taste, well, salty? Do some have extra minerals that would be described as, say, “…salty, with a hint of dolomite and shale.”?

Many of the differences in salt are due to whether or not it contain iodine. Various trace elements will also give salt different flavors, but you have to me moderately sensitive to pick up on them.
I believe the differences in salt you are describing (table salts, pretzel salts) are due to the coarseness/fine-ness of the grind rather than flavor.