It seems to me most stars and galaxies appear to me more EAST- WEST than NORTH TO SOUTH.
Is this accurate? If so why?
It seems to me most stars and galaxies appear to me more EAST- WEST than NORTH TO SOUTH.
Is this accurate? If so why?
Well, the milky way runs more north/south than east/west, so there’s one contradictory observation.
OP, can you explain what you mean?
Yeah, the question doesn’t make much sense without some context. A star is a point of light - how can it be oriented E/W or N/S?
If you mean they appear to pass across the sky more east-west than north-south, you may be on to something.
Suppose our galaxy is a large round like shape and you are in the absolute center of it.
Where are the stars most commonly found?
Well above and below your point, or more toward your left or right.
Our galaxy is not a “large round like shape”; it is a barred spiral disk with a central bulge. The Earth is inclined ~63° to the galactic plane, but the specific position of the Milky Was will depend on latitude.
How much do you know about astronomy?
And if you were in the center of a sphere of stars, then they’d be found equally in all directions.
You’ve been sucked into a supermassive black hole. You don’t see any stars.
How are you defining “above,” “below,” “left” and “right”?