I was emailing a friend today (the incomparable Sampiro of this very board,) and while I was prating on about Lovecraft’s terrifyingBrown Jenkin character from “Dreams of the Witch House,” it briefly occurred to me that the hideous final scene in the story, in which Brown Jenkin devours Gilman’s heart while he lies in bed, then bursts through his chest, was awfully similar to the notorious chest-bursting scene from “Alien.”
Now, I’m willing to accept that it could be gruesome coincidence, but a part of me wonders, knowing how very, very Lovecraftian the Alien mythos is (they could easily be a servitor race taken straight out of a Lovecraft story,) if maybe, just maybe, the Brown Jenkin incident might have served as inspiration.
On the director’s commentary, Ridley states the same thing as toadspittle’s link. Interestingly enough, Scott’s idea was that the alien spaceship Ripley & co. stumbled upon in the movie was actually a troopship for an invasion force. The idea being that they’d drop the eggs on a planet that they wanted to invade, the aliens would go to work wiping out the local population, and then their masters would show up, kill them somehow, and take control of the planet. It’s too bad no one followed up on that idea, IMHO.
Wow. Super cool. Thanks a lot, guys. Here I am an ecologist, and the natural explanation didn’t occur to me. :smack: Ah well, another pet theory shot down.