A stoopid but perplexing computer conundrum

I just started using a new Windows laptop.

On my primitive work PC, if you want to see all the various drives and what may be plugged into them, you hit the start button and go to “My Computer”.

On the new laptop which has Windows 10, there is no “Start” button, but hitting a button in a similar location gets you a screen filled with Windows crap options as well as a button for settings and some other utilities, but no obvious or even subtle way to get to a screen listing the drives. By searching around I can find a “device management” setting which confirms that the flash drive I inserted is in “E” drive. But there is no way to click on the “E” drive to open the files on the flash drive.

I don’t really want to pay Toshiba (it’s a Satellite series laptop) for “premium” support to get this question answered for a brand new laptop.

Is this a weird form of Windows 10 hazing? Any suggestions as to where my drives have been secreted, so I can get to them and open whatever files are on them (from both intrinsic and extrinsic drives)?


File explorer. It should be visible after hitting the start button.

I don’t know if this will work on 10, but you can try it. It works on earlier versions.

right-click on the desktop.
Select “Personalise” from the menu
On the left-hand bar select “change desktop icons”
Tick “Computer” then click OK.

The “Computer” icon should appear on the desktop. Clicking on it will show the drives.

Press the Windows key along with E.

Learning some of the Windows key combinations (along with common Ctrl key combinations) will make life much easier and faster on Windows. Same is true for the option, ctrl and command keys in OSX.

File explorer should also be right on the taskbar, maybe the second or third icon on the left. Looks like a folder.

Windows button plus e brings up the file explore on windows 10, 7, 8 and probably XP.

If you want to get back most of the older MS-Windows interface, try Classic Shell.

This. If by any chance it’s not there, you can find it in the start menu, then right-click and select “pin to taskbar.” It’ll stay on the taskbar from then on. This works for any installed software, so I recommend doing it for the software you use often.

BTW, there are third party things to restore earlier Windows start menus to Win 10:

Disclaimer: I haven’t gone to Win 10, and don’t have any personal experience with how this works.

The OP may note that what he actually wants is on the Win 7 start menu as the “Computer” item in the right hand column - essentially what you get with “Windows Explorer” -> “Computer”. IMO, it’s an improvement not calling it “My Computer”. Every time a UI insists on presenting me with “My {something}” I’m vaguely annoyed by the feeling that I’m being talked to as if I’m about two years old.


Ah, ftg ninjaed. Let it stand.

I can’t remember if File Exlporer takes you to your drive list in Windows 10. If not, click on “This PC” in the left hand column.

Right click on the window icon, where the start button use to be. Click File Explorer. All drives are on the left menu panel.

Also, right clicking on File Explorer will allow you to pin it to the taskbar if it is not already there. It is a yellow folder with a blue clip at the bottom.

I do have experience with Classic Shell, and it works wonderfully. I highly recommend it. Here.

Thanks for the suggestions.

I was able to find “C” drive. E and all the other drives are hidden for some reason. Could another fun weekend with hours wasted on the computer be ahead?

Memo to all: do not buy a Toshiba laptop. Toshiba Support is virtually nonexistent.

The real problem is that computers no longer come with any documentation. While I am sure all the solutions described above will work, where do you find them? (Answer: TSD.)

They provide help files, but unless you know the magic words necessary to invoke a particular topic, you will not find it.

You may then have to click on “computer” on the left side of explorer to expand to list all the drives.

The rule of thumb with Microsoft - if something is very useful or necessary, then in the next version of Windows or Office, Microsoft will either hide it or remove it.

I’ll echo this.

as ftg and others have already suggested … classic-shell is indispensable … least i use it.

Another vote for “classic shell”. I put it on a friend’s computer that came with Win 8 a year or so ago. She hated 8 and couldn’t figure out how to find anything she was familiar with. She’s happy with Classic Shell.

I have now put it on my computers after “upgrading” to Win 10 from 7. At least I think it’s an upgrade.

Another update: After discovering a well-hidden Toshiba 1-800 support number, I eventually got hooked up with Toshiba’s Ludmila from Moldova, who upon getting an OK for remotely controlling my laptop, clicked on File Explorer which led to a page I’d never seen before, containing the Mystery Missing Drives and other useful things.

So now the page can be called up regularly and I can access the drives.

Plus I now have lots of new friends in Moldova. :dubious: