A strange few weeks

Everyone has been putting up their family dramas. Here’s mine:

I have been in college for about a month now. I’m a freshman at UNCG. As soon as I got settled shit got really weird at home.
EPISODE 1:GODDAM CATS When I was here for about a week and a half, I got an email from my little sister. It said “Spock has been missing for twodays. This is not good.” Indeed it was not a good sign. Spock was my cat, 25 pounds and wussy as hell. he never stays out overnight, in fact, never more than three hours as he cannot go that long without returning to his dish. So two days either meant he was crazy or dead. Everyone was very worried. So 2 days became four days, and still no spock. My cat had run away. He was my mom’s favorite pet. She was just heartbroken, so of course she got a new kitten. He is a little black cat with green eyes. Mom named him Boo, as he is the scary halloween type. He loves to cuddle just like spock. He was one of the family immediately. My dogs loved him. My other cat Zen was pissed though. But we were happy even though we missed Spock. spock was pretty pissed, however, to see the new cat when he got home the next day. Oops. Looks like he got locked in a garage.

I didn’t hear from hme after that for another week, and the news was not good. My dad was in a serious car accident on AUG 30. He had been broadsided on the driver side by a dude going 55 mph on the Blue ridge Parkway. His car had been bent into a V-shape and those who saw the accident said that no one could have survived. But the doctors had better news: he would be OK eventually. HE had countless broken bones, a collapsed lung, a ruptured spleen and bladder, and a broken sinus, and some kidney damage. He spent 10 days in intensive care, and had 3 operations. But he came out OK. He had his birthday on Friday, and we’re very glad he did. For a while we thought he might not have. We got him a game boy and a discman. He’ll be in bed for a while. That’s what’s going on in flupworld. Now I must sign off to do laundry.Good night.

Damn, flup. Right when you go off to college, and are most likely homesick anyway, these family crises start erupting.

Hope everything gets better, and that you’re dad recovers.

Thanks elvis. I in 68 people agrees with you.

(He’ll be fine) :slight_smile: