Yesterday I saw a SUV swerve and just miss colliding with a monster BMW. No impact, (unfortunately) but it still puzzles me as to whom I would have laughed at harder. The fact that the BMW driver was at fault didn’t make it any easier.
You bet this is a great debate. This was a shiny black brand new 741 series BMW (When they first came out in Germany they were only available in the white color. They soon became known as the ‘White Elephant’.) The SUV was a late model Jeep Cherokee. I suppose it would have been better if it was a Ford Excursion, but you have yet to address the central debate as to whom to laugh at first. Me? I was too busy going, "Bwuhahaha… "
Maybe I just have a different sense of humor. What’s so funny about a near collision that could have resulted in one or more parties being injured? Is it funny because they both drive expensive vehicles?
I don’t agree on this being a great debate, actually. You have two people who drive expensive cars… okay.
Then one makes an error in judgement.
…so one has to react in order to avoid getting hurt.
…still waiting for the punchline.
If this is a post trying to incite a emotional response, then I’m going to have to know more details about either
a) the event
b) the drivers
Seems to me, you’ve only pointed out something that (sadly) is a common occurance in North America, witht he only difference being that two relatively expensive vehicles were involved.
I don’t mean to be a killjoy, I just don’t understand the joke.
Were they driving in that “I’ve got a big and/or expensive vehicle and anyway I own the goddamn road style get outta my way” attitude.
Yes I could find it funny, being a cyclist and a biker I get that all the time, one twat very nearly crashed as he tried to take me off the road, as it was he left a generous portion of his spoiler on the kerbside, if he’d injured himself I’d would have looked at him bleeding, smiled and ridden away.
Here you are stereotyping somewhat, that vehicle was a major cheapo rust bucket.Just goes to show that you don’t need an expensive car to be a turd.
The joke is not necessarily that they are expensive autos. Not being an idiot, I don’t buy Dubya’s accusations of “class warfare” every time someone suggests that perhaps the coddling of rich people shouldn’t be the main concern of the U.S. government, or the conservative pundits’ insinuation that the rest of us envy the conspicuous consumption of the well-off.
The humor is in watching two drivers who have so little concern for their fellow humans that they drive enormous, gasoline-guzzling, smog-belching, road-hogging monster trucks smash into each other, thus bringing the real world bonking into their little cocoons.
Whoops! Thought you were impervious to harm, didn’t you? Thought you were above it all, didn’t you? Sorry, shithead! The bodywork alone’ll cost you five thou! And gas prices are rising again!
Ummm… have you ever looked at the safety specs of a BMW? I highly doubt the bimmer would crumple under the impact from an SUV. They’re generally very safe cars.
(incidentally, as I looked at for info on the 7 series, I notice that it’s completely bullet proof. Now there’s a feature you don’t see everyday!)
When you see a a kid learning to ride a bicycle and he careens down the sidewalk and bounces off a baby carriage which spins out into the street and it gets smashed by a dump truck and the kid on his bike slams into a light pole face first and the now airborne baby carriage, baby still inside, sails through a plate glass window of a china shop and a random dog that this guy was walking gets really excited and just starts mauling a nearby elderly woman while she waits for the bus and the dump truck driver gets out of his truck and runs into the street screaming and gets clipped by a motorcycle coming in the other direction, which skids out of control, jumps the curb near an outdoor cafe and takes out a whole table of mentally retarded adults on a day trip to the art museum.
God, talk about a dilemna. So much to laugh at, only one sense of humor.
You may want to go back and read those specs again. The specs say that the 7 series has bullet resistant body panels and bullet resistant glass. There is a big difference between bullet resistant and bullet proof.
Additionally, having bullet resistant body panels and glass will definitely help if you are being shot at, but not if you are in a 30 mph collision with another vehicle. Bullet resistant materials spread the force of a single impact point over a large area to absorb the force of the impact. If you are struck with a fast moving vehicle, bullet resistant material will not prevent damage to your vehicle, or to yourself.
I would laugh at whichever one was still gabbing into their cell phone after impact. Though the dumbass probably still wouldn’t learn to hang up while driving.
Remind me never to take in a Marx Brothers movie with some of you people.
“Oh, poor Missus Rittenhouse! Imagine the irrepairable damage she is suffering to her self-esteem! Something should be done about those three bad men!”
trad: Sorry to burst your bubble, but I DO tend to think less of assholes who drive assholemobiles.
Casdave and Uke Ike both, unlike so many other posters, must actually have a sense of humor. The SUV / BMW incident occurred in Silicon Valley. If you have ever experienced the traffic in this area, and seen the amount of traffic that is directly caused by the rude drivers that disproportionately occupy the aforementioned vehicles, you would appreciate this thread. No one was injured, no children were harmed in the writing of this thread, all events were at less than 20 MPH. But most of all, I detect a real whiff, make that reek, of politically correct overtones. As to the number of raw nerves I’ve managed to hit with this thread. Let’s say that I’m just doing my job.