What is the greater of the two evils? Telemarketing of Televangilisim? Or, perhaps a third, not so evil evil, Teleprompting?
A point to ponder whilst I am off to class.
What is the greater of the two evils? Telemarketing of Televangilisim? Or, perhaps a third, not so evil evil, Teleprompting?
A point to ponder whilst I am off to class.
How about Telekinesis??
What?!?! not a word about teleportation?
For the most evil, I would have to pick telemarketing. If I want to avoid televangelists, all I have to do is consult the TV guide channel, and not turn on the channel they’re on (unless I want to watch them just because they’re so darn funny sometimes!), but to avoid telemarketers, I have to unplug my phone and avoid everyone!
at the risk of diverting the stream of funny responses, I’ll give my actual response to OP.
telemarketing is definately more evil than televangelism… if I’m flipping through channels, and I see Jerry Falwell (or other annoyances that I try to avoid), well, I just keep on flipping through the channels… whereas, if I’m chilling out enjoying dinner and the phone rings (“hello, this is bobo” “please hold for a great offer on aluminum siding”), that’s damn annoying. I have a fairly stock response for telemarketers which seems to work pretty well, “hey, I’m gonna save you some time… you aren’t going to make any kind of a sale on this call… and please put me on your do-not-call-list… have a good day and I hope your future calls go better.” most of the telemarketers I’ve said that seem to appreciate my honesty and my friendliness, so it ends there.
as for the nastiness of televangelists… I realize that some televangelists have taken lots of money from the eldery, infirmed, etc… but the people that lose their money typically give it voluntarily, to what they consider to be a religion… is it a scam? maybe, but no more so than a lot of other religious money drives (tithing anyone?)… Televangelists are just really talented “preachers” trying to get money for their “churches”. Televangelism is just church without having to leave the house, you choose to partake, and you choose to donate, good for you… <Sam Kinison on jim baker> Jesus is still looking through the bible saying, “where the hell did I say ‘build a water-park’?”</Sam Kinison>
I guess the reason I think telemarketing is more evil than televangelism, is I have to call the televangelist, the telemarketer calls me…