A tin foil hat question about the gold fringe on the US flag

Check out this site:


It basicly claims that the US government still operates under the martial law from the Civil War, because the gold trim is still around the US flag.

Now, tinfoil hat off.

Is it true that a gold trim around the US flag represents a time of martial law or war in the US?

Why do many US flags have this gold trim, if, as the article states, the US flag is only to be composed of red,white and blue.

Here’s some info to get you started:


It looks perdyful, mostly.

I also hear that if you are in a place where red, white and blue bunting is displayed throughout, the Commissioner of Baseball is the sovereign authority.

No, it is not true.

From the US Army Deparment of Heraldry site:


The overall website for the Department of Heraldry is here:


I ran across this ADL sponsored site, which has an interesting laundry list of “idiot legal arguments” (their term), like those based on flag fringes:


The ADL has an obvious agenda, but the list is still interesting.