A tissue box is probably not larger than a country

Kat in the “One advantage to an incredibly slow board” thread gave a link to this site:


It’s a 20 questions computer game. I played it a few times. At the end of each game it tells you where you contradict answers others have given. Ok, that makes sense.

But then after it failed to guess “cat food” it suddenly spit this out at me:

Spontaneous Knowledge
A tissue box probably doesn’t slobber
A tissue box is probably not an element
A tissue box probably doesn’t have a backbone
A tissue box probably doesn’t have big leaves
A tissue box probably doesn’t have pages
A tissue box might not fasten other objects
A tissue box is probably not bright
A tissue box is probably not used for hunting
A tissue box is probably not clear
You might not stretch a tissue box
A tissue box is probably not used in a casino
You might not find a tissue box in the sky
A tissue box is probably not capricious
A tissue box is probably not specifically female
A tissue box is probably not more valuable than silver
A tissue box is probably not made from cellulose
A tissue box might not be used to talk to others
A tissue box is probably not stretchy
A tissue box probably doesn’t eat cheese
A tissue box is probably not a work of art
A tissue box probably doesn’t deal with imagination
You might not ride on a tissue box
A tissue box probably doesn’t get hard
A tissue box is probably not larger than a country
A tissue box is probably not crunchy
A tissue box probably doesn’t have a long neck
A tissue box probably doesn’t make a good pet
A tissue box is probably not crystalline
A tissue box might not save your life
A tissue box probably doesn’t have four wheels

Whoa! Some of these are real revelations! A tissue box probably doesn’t eat cheese! Um, wait. “Probably?”

Faith is spontaneous.
Men do not find faith erotic.

You can make money by selling a dancer
You would not find a dancer on a farm
You do use a dancer at night
A dancer is worth a lot of money
A dancer is heavy
A dancer is not helpful in the learning process
A dancer is not a body of water

…unless you consider that a dancer is probably 85% water…

Can it hear and smell better than humans?
Can it be used in a pie?
Does it make you itch?
Can it fit in an envelope?
Does it have gears?
Can you add it to a salad?

It guessed “water chestnuts”, but I was thinking of “banana chips”. Of course, I had to explain what those are. Good guess, though.

Yes, it thinks in very cut-and-dried terms. Once it told me that a VCR wouldn’t be used in an office. Who says? It could be used in a law office to review depositions (assuming it’s legal to record them), or in a real estate office to show properties before taking the clients to them in person, or for any kind of informational or training video.

As far as a tissue box not being larger than a country, it is if you’re playing Risk. Okay, that’s a reach.

I just tried it. It guessed correctly that my object was a doll; in fact, that was always the first of the probable objects. However, I beg to differ. A doll can be heavier than a pound of butter, if it has a mechanism inside it to make it talk or move. And the same mechanism would enable it to be heard, which the game said was incorrect.

I live to split hairs.

Is it bigger than a breadbox? :smiley:

Again, I object. A hockey puck may or may not bring joy to people. For example, if you’re a Buffalo Sabres fan, it didn’t bring joy this evening, but if you’re a Pittsburgh Penguins fan…WOOHOO!


You do use a god in public
A god does live above ground
A god is commonly used
A god is not helpful in the learning process
You can obtain information by using a god
You cannot find a god in a house
A god is outside
You might be able to find a god in an office

I read the first one and immediately thought–“use a god, go to jail.” I have been warped by TV public service ads–something about things you watch at four in the morning, they have a profound effect.

I also found it interesting that, although you cannot find god inside a house, you may find one in an office. In a management position, one would assume.

Hey! I’ve played a few rounds, and suddenly (after correctly guessing “carpet”), it spat out this Spontaneous Knowledge:
Artificial flowers probably doesn’t grow over time
You might not kick artificial flowers
Artificial flowers is probably not used to make pencils
Artificial flowers is probably not a person
Artificial flowers might not be able to kill you
Artificial flowers is probably usually visible
Artificial flowers is probably not used to cook food
Artificial flowers is probably not body jewelry
Artificial flowers is probably not a type of mineral
Artificial flowers is probably not a pet
Artificial flowers probably doesn’t sleep
Artificial flowers is probably not a dessert
Artificial flowers probably doesn’t fit in a socket
Artificial flowers probably doesn’t relate to time
Artificial flowers probably doesn’t provide shade
Artificial flowers probably doesn’t have a handle
Artificial flowers is probably not a secret
Artificial flowers might not be worn by a person
Artificial flowers is probably not used to light cigarettes
You might not be able to normally use artificial flowers with a saddle
Artificial flowers probably doesn’t have notes printed on it
Artificial flowers is probably not a type of human being
Artificial flowers probably doesn’t hold water
Artificial flowers might not talk
Artificial flowers probably doesn’t contain fuel
Artificial flowers is probably not in the cabbage family
Artificial flowers is probably not an unstable compound
Artificial flowers probably doesn’t prick
You might not read artificial flowers
Artificial flowers is probably not usually made from bricks
Artificial flowers probably doesn’t urinate on its hands

That last one sure is handy to know.

Things I didn’t know

Okra is not a marsupial
Okra is not a member of the weasel family

Things I didn’t know

A llama is not used for personal hygiene

Okay, I’ll admit it, I’ve gotten addicted to this site. Here’s why:

It has correctly guessed bacon in the past, bacon shows up in the possible answers, so I just can’t imagine how it hasn’t already gotten this information. Oh, the house pet thing is my fault–I was thinking of pig instead of concentrating on bacon.

Also, an earlier round told me that asparagus could be placed on my head. However, in yet another round, it told me that a teddy bear could not be placed on my head. So I guess you can wear vegetables, but not stuffed animals.

Rebuttal: 23

Here’s one I really enjoyed:

Things I didn’t know

A lawyer is not a bird of prey