A tomacco is born...

I didn’t know if it belonged here or in CS, but I think it’s pretty pointless.

Nonetheless, Rob Baur has created Homer’s famous tomacco plant. Evidently, the RJ Reynolds corp. has not yet contacted him…

Mmmmmmmmmmmm…sun-dried tomato cigars.

Picture it - a nation addicted to tomatos.

Does this guy know Goldie Hawn’s father in the movie “Protocol”? He created asparabarb, a cross of rhubarb and aspapagus. I remember reading years ago that the protein in tobacco leaves is higher than soybeans. Just too bad there’s all that nicotine et al in them too. Have this wunderkind set his sights on extracting all the nasties from tobacco, and really reap a fortune.

I’d walk a mile for a Brandywine.

i wouldnt mind them making some lembas bread

I can’t walk a straight line after excess of Barleywine.