A truck just ran over me and my bike

I wasn’t going to ask him to lie because there was, in fact, noticeable frame damage

Not even a little.

Oh I know this too. But keep in mind that it wasn’t my idea to do it this way.

This is what I keep trying to say in the thread. I get that it seems by the letter of the law I was technically in the wrong, and that’s great if you’re Judge Dredd, but the overarching principle of the matter is a truck hit a pedestrian. I don’t care if I was on my bike or walking or riding a damn horse, I am a pedestrian. Regardless if it’s correct to say it’s my fault and I’m technically on my own with a bike it’s not right to say that. I could have called the police, and did the insurance thing, and gotten witness statements (there were a bunch) and wasted 3 hours and done all that crap, but I didn’t because I assumed he would do the right thing and just get me a new bike and call it a day…
…which he just did. I’m eating lunch and got a call that basically said “It would just be easier to get you a new bike, meet me at Wal-Mart”. So we did. He grabbed a $150 that looked like mine, I went to a $130 dollar one that I wanted and said let’s do this one cuz it’s cooler. We did. I went home. I have a new bike and can put the matter behind me.