I was sitting here listening to the Oldies Rock station and…
Guys, under NO circumstances should you approach a strange woman who’s walking down the street singing “Do - Wa - Diddy - Diddy - Dum - Diddy - Do”. Especially if she’s also snapping her fingers and shuffling her feet! Normal people can’t sing, snap, shuffel AND walk at the same time.
I don’t care if she looks good, and she looks fine, and you nearly loose your mind, Just STAY AWAY!
Oh, you may think she seems carefree and full of joy. But, that’s what happens when some people forget their medication. I"m warning you, it can only end in tears… or a restraining order.
Look, I’m getting really tired of these kind of scare tactic messages.
I’ll have you know these are the exact circumstances under which I met my wife. And I’ll have you know that we’re together nearly every single day! And like it or not, we’re so happy and that’s how we’re gonna stay.
You might want to let people know that positive tales of this type do exist.
I happened across my SO watching a DVD of Peter Kay* (Live at the Bolton Albert Halls) and Peter Kay made the exact self same point. She can’t possibly look good or fine if she’s snapping her fingers and shuffling her feet.
At least you had music. You know what hit Number One the day I entered the world?
Born on a mountain top in Tennessee
The greenest state in the land of the free
Raised in the woods so’s he knew ev’ry tree
Kilt him a b’ar when he was only three
Davy, Davy Crockett, king of the wild frontier
Well, you got lucky. I can’t tell you how long I spent wondering why women I was dating would build me up just to let me down and mess me around. “I’ll be over at ten”, they’d say, time and again. So I’d wait around, and then realize I’d been let down again. It hurt, you know?
It’s not like I asked a lot from these women, just some acknowledgement that I need them. Also, it’d be nice if they didn’t break my heart.
Giraffe, it sounds like you’re getting impatient. But don’t you know that you can’t hurry love? You just have to wait. Love won’t come easy; it’s a game of give and take. Just give it time, no matter how long it takes.
Are you in a new town? Because people are strange when you’re a stranger. Faces look ugly when you’re alone. Women seem wicked when you’re unwanted. Streets are uneven, when you’re down.
I’m with you, Giraffe. Love stinks. Yea, yea, you heard me. Love stinks. I mean if you love her but she loves him and he loves somebody else, you just can’t win. And so it goes 'tll the day you die! One thing for sure, love stinks!
Fortunately, though, somebody’s gonna give you a lesson in leavin’. Somebody’s gonna give you back what you’ve been givin’. And you know what? I hope that I’m around to watch ‘em knock you down! Not only that, but somebody’s gonna give you a lesson in hurtin’. In fact, somebody’s gonna give you what you’re deservin’! So there!