A website for Dark Tower fans, or former Cloudmakers


If you’ve read Wolves of the Calla, you’ll recognize the Corporation at the link above. There’s not much on the site as of yet, but do a little exploring and you might find a puzzle or three…

Those who know what happened to the Cloudmakers a back in the summer of 2001 might also find something of interest here.

Could be the beginning of something interesting…

Cloudmakers! Ooooh.

This is one of the few places I’ve been where people know what it was. That was a great summer.

Great, yes… and intense. Part of me hopes this is something like that again, and the other part hopes it isn’t. :wink:

Still, I’ve got that old familiar feeling of having solved everything I can… and waiting…

Cloudmakers was great. A truly unique experience. I’m still waiting to read “Wolves,” though. It’s on my Christmas list, so I have to wait and see if someone gets it for me.

Yeah, I had high hopes for the Ring game, but it turned out to be nothing. It was so amazing to be part of such a massive effort, unfolding right in front of me. Truly cool.

And addictive, unfortunately. I miss those puzzles.

Cloudmakers. Wow. Those memories eh?

That enigma puzzle was a killer, as well as that stupid JPEG puzzle.

I don’t get it. I also didn’t find any puzzles.

Lame as this may sound, does anyone mind explaining?

Hey, I liked the JPEG puzzle! It was the lute notes that threw me…

BrandyFine, go to the “Development” page. The username and password is something recognizable to anyone who’s read Wolves of the Calla (and the error message you receive with an incorrect entry is a clue).

I’ve gotten a few steps in, but I’m trying to figure out the next piece.

I don’t have my copy at work. Would you mind throwing the username/password into a spoiler box for me?


Fair enough…

Username: andy
Password: 1999

I wonder if anyone will figure out the next step… the first one’s pretty easy (at least it was for me), but you have to have read one of the other Dark Tower books (not from the main series)for the second one. Or be a fan of old British TV shows. :wink:

Cloudmakers sounds like a bunch of trout to me. :slight_smile:

The second one sounds like what Linoge said in “Storm of the Century”, but so far no dice. Also I don’t think that it’s in Dark Tower realm.


Hey, neat. Despite being a King fan I have not read the Dark Tower books, but I will. Hope you keep us posted on your progress through the site, looks like it will be fun.

Ooh… I just did in intenet lookup (WHOIS) on the domain, and this is what is returned…

Sombra Corporation
847 W 19th St
New York, New York 10010
United States

Registered through: GoDaddy.com
Created on: 26-Nov-03
Expires on: 26-Nov-04
Last Updated on: 29-Nov-03

Administrative Contact:
Flannigan, Robert admin@sombracorp.com
Sombra Corporation
847 W 19th St
New York, New York 10010
United States
6154295938 Fax –
Technical Contact:
Flannigan, Robert admin@sombracorp.com
Sombra Corporation
847 W 19th St
New York, New York 10010
United States
6154295938 Fax –

First, Robert Flannigan = R.F. oohhhhhh spooky.

Second, can someone try faxing the number and see what comes up? That is a TN area code, and doesn’t show up on any reverse lookups. I also checked it to see if it spelt anything, but no go.

It’s not a fax machine – it went to a voicemail/answering machine that just says, “Please leave a message.”

I didn’t.

Also, I’m not getting past the second step. Another spoiler box perhaps?

Guess others are trying. I’m getting a busy/no response.

For the second step, think about Hearts in Atlantis.

Or… “I am not a number, I am a free man!”

Anonymous Coward, I noticed the R.F. thing on the domain registrant too.

Huh. Tricky. I know which TV series you are talking about, but I can’t make the connection. I’ll dust off my copy of Hearts in Atlantis tonight and take a look.

You shouldn’t need to look much farther than the back cover.


Hope that link works…

Is that wrong, or a glitch in the site? When I tried it, I didn’t get an “incorrect” message, but I did still get the “Give us what we want” box again.