A "What the fuck?" to TheWhoToTheWhatNow

I’m hoping leander has one.

Yes. The “tightrope” bit seared my eyeball as well.

Excellent post, storyteller0910.

Nah, I like to get laid because sex is fun. Like I said a bunch of times, there’s a “no” that means “no” and we back off. But I guess glossing over that makes it easier to make stories up.

Thanks. This is what I was saying when I said I don’t do the pancakes 'n rape, that that’s an example, and that we learn to tell the token resistance from the real “no means no” stuff. Again it was other people who extrapolated to “YOU SOMETIMES IGNORE RESISTANCE SO THAT MEANS YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO GET THEM TO TOUCH YOUR PEEN AND YOU ARE TEH RAPISTTTT, LOOK YOU EVEN GAVE A THEORETICAL EXAMPLE OF HOW THAT COULD BE POSSIBLE!!! RAAAAAAPEEEEEE!!!” degrees.

Like I said in the other thread, if I err it’s to the cautious “back off” side, not the “ehh, let’s rape her and see what happens” side. Feel free to keep not reading what I write and making shit up in your head though, your username is apt.

Then my argument is sound, since it’s just a ramped up version of that concept.

haha sorry, didn’t know. Just tired of quoting myself and re-explaining stuff I’ve explained, figure if people are going to just make shit up and ignore me when I put caveats that I’m discussing theory instead of actual actions, I might as well be drawing entertaining ASCII art.


No one is making up shit about you. You said that, if the woman doesn’t think it’s rape afterwards, it isn’t rape. That is a morally repugnant position. You have not retracted it. That means you are morally repugnant.

It doesn’t matter that you personally don’t do it. It matters that you personally don’t think it’s wrong.

Look, I’m probably the one guy on this board who doesn’t see being a PUA as inherently immoral, but even I see that you are an immoral shit. You think rape is okay if you convince someone it wasn’t really rape. That’s what rapists do, asshole. You are defending rapists.

In his defense, “rape-n-pancakes” would make a capital band name.

I’m totally on board with this Pitting. I have wanted to tell TheWhoToTheWhatNow to put his cock away for some time now. We’re just trying to chat here, we don’t need to see it every moment. You don’t know about every woman, you just know about some that are willing to fall for your game; be they naive, dumb, or just easy-going (or just easy). I think you’re kind of gross.

I found his insight valuable in the first thread about pick-up artists a couple months ago. But wow, has it been downhill from there.

I’m given to understand it’s not the size but how you use it.

You’re just repressing your true feelings for him. Here, let him put this inside of you, it’ll all make so much more sense then.

It sounds like “pick up artist” is basically code for “serial rapist.”

I figured it was code for Since We’re So Pathetic, Let’s All Pretend We’re Barney Stinson.

Well, first of all, we’re not talking about PUAs. We’re talking about you, and the words you have posted.

And, your second quote non-withstanding, your first post describes rape. There is no spin, there is no generalizing to PUAs in general. You have defended “rape a girl and then apologize until she doesn’t press charges” as a dating strategy. It doesn’t matter if you’ve enacted it or not.

You’ve posted the functional equivalent of “Oh, well, if you beat the hell out of a guy and then convince him that you were both actually trying out for UFC, you can get into fights with no consequences.” and then trying to claim you DON’T support assaulting people.

If you could maybe provide some evidence for that in-thread or to the powers-that-be, that would be useful.

Once again, I feel compelled to inform you that I would HAPPILY have your adopted man-babies.

I wouldn’t go that far. Mostly it’s code for “guy who needs some instruction in basic techniques for chatting with a stranger without tripping over their own tongue and/or dick”.

TWTTWN is code for “rape apologist”, though.

Would they shake hands, and then share a tasty pancake breakfast? :wink:

I will say no once. With my mouth. Then I will either break a rib or pull out my knife.

No means no. It doesn’t mean yes, it doesn’t mean maybe, it means no. Now, if someone is protesting the whole time, that means no. And it doesn’t mean you can talk her out of pressing charges later.


What the fuck? We? You got a fucking mouse in your pocket?

I’d be content to think there’s only one of you but if there’s more, you bunch of fucked up cocksuckers need to be nuked from orbit.

Actually, TheWhoToTheWhatNow I agree with you. I also agree with you that if you rape someone and then go out to IHOP afterwards and she suddenly turns smitten with you over blueberry syrup and whipped cream, then last night was a laugh riot.
You know, basically in the same way that if I were to strap wings onto a pig and push him out of an airplane and he lived to tell the tale, it would be a really kick ass thing to do, rather than horrific animal abuse.
Thing is, you’d have to be really fucked up to want to do it in the first place regardless of the outcome and 99.9% of the time the pig is going to be so splattered upon impact you couldn’t even get a good side of bacon out of the wreckage.

TWTTWN likes to believe that he is picked on because he is a self-described PUA, but that’s not true. I am not against the PUA movement. Fact: I have “Rules of The Game” by Neil “Style” Strauss sitting on my bookshelf. But I almost started this thread and I would have used the same quotes as the OP. Those statements are completely indefensible and disgusting.

I was skeeved from the get-go, and found the glad-handing by several posters to be… troubling. It’s nice, at least, to confirm that my instincts are properly calibrated.