Abortion, motorcycle helmets, and seat belts

There are quite a few dopers who support the right to abortion. The most common reasoning being “it’s a womans body, she has the right choose what to do with it”, and, “No one has the right to tell me what to do with my body”.

Hmmm. Ok. Fine. Then let’s debate this:
How do you feel about mandatory helmet and seat belt laws?
Those type of laws are passed on a “it’s for your own good” basis. Doesn’t that reasoning piss you off? After all, it’s your skull. If you want it smashed on the ground after falling off a cycle, isn’t that your business? And if you want your body to smash through the windshield of your car, isn’t that your buisness too? After all, like you say, it’s YOUR body!

So why don’t you pro abortionist bitch about these anti- freedom laws like you do about any little thing that might hamper getting an abortion in 5 minutes?

(By the way, I wear my seat belt 100% of the time and my helmet 90% of the time but I oppose any laws that makes it mandatory!)

Can, meet worms.
That being said, I am pro-choice, i.e. I support a woman’s right to decide what to do with her own body.
I also couldn’t care less if you where a helmet or not. That isn’t an insult. I’m actually siding with you. I don’t think there should be a law making it mandatory. I do think it should be a basic chunk of common sense. I always belt up. I don’t ride a motorcycle anymore, but when I did I always wore a helmet.

Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but I think most Libertarians would agree with my statements.

I don’t know what to say but I totally agree with you. It is total bull. I pay taxes for the road. I pay taxes for the car or bike. I pay the taxes to put fuel in the thing. I license the bike or car. I pay for the insurance that you are required to have and more. Then just because some fat cat insurance lobby guy talks the corrupt lawyer politicians into passing these laws so they don’t have to pay as many claims based on their stupid little tables…ahhhh I am getting angry now.

What are they going to regulate next a $100 fine for leaving your oven on(don’t want house fires). How about 200 fine if you mow your grass barefooted(don’t want your cutting your foot off). Or how about you have some cop fining you cause your just too darn fat(that leads to heart failure and more medical claims). When are we going to get rid of the bloodsucking lawyers and lobbiest out of running our lives.


That is all I have to say about that.

Some bikers a while back took the mandatory helmet thing to court and were able to prove that their vision is seriously hampered by helmets.

As for seat belts, I don’t see how it would be practical. You could really get tangled up in one of those, on a motorcycle. I suppose I’d have to see the design for one, or try it out, to know for sure. This isn’t like a car, where there’s a metal shell to protect you. If you got caught in the seat belt going 65 mph, it might easily kill you.

pkbites, the way to garner sympathy, respect and support is not to say “So why don’t you pro abortionist bitch about these anti- freedom laws like you do about any little thing that might hamper getting an abortion in 5 minutes?”

Let me tell you a little secret about myself: I frequently inject inflamatory statements into my posts to rile up the masses. It’s fun, and it works!:wink: Don’t take it personally.

I don’t want this post to turn into a debate over whether wearing a seat belt or helmet is a good thing: my life was saved by a seat belt in February of 1985. No one will convince me not to wear my seat belt. But I think it is my choice, as an adult, to make, not the states!

What I want to debate with pro-choicers is, why is it ok for the government to invade my privacy in my car, but not your “privacy” in your womb?

Um, ok, it isn’t.

Happy now?

Pk, I didn’t really mean that as flippantly as it came out, but I think you’re barking up a dead horse.

It seems that you are assuming that all pro-choicers are in favor of mandatory seat belt and helmet laws. I think you find that isn’t the case.

I think another reason you don’t hear much bitching from people with regards to the seat belt thing is because there’s a vast difference in scale here, both in how much infringement is going on, and in the repercussions of such infringements.

I think the reason anti-abortion laws have been ruled Unconstitutional, but helmet and seat belt laws haven’t, is that you don’t have any “right” to be on a road that you don’t own. The government that owns the road can make any rules they want to for who has and who doesn’t have the “privilege” of driving on its roads, provided these rules don’t violate the 14th Amendment’s equal protection clause.

I’ve always been against mandatory seat belt and helmet laws, but some states managed to get them passed anyway. Why do you think I’m so worried about losing my right to choose?

The big concern used to be that our government would turn into “Big Brother” - what we got instead is “Big Mother.”

IMHO seat-belt law and crash hat law are simply due to arm twisting by the money men who have dressed it up as concern for the welfare of the public.
Both are compulsory in the UK, not on the same vehicle of course, and seat belts must be worn in the back seat of a car too.

Large insurance claims are reduced if people are less severly injured and that is good news for insurance companies.

It’s good news for the mortgage industry too as the surviving immediate family are very likely to use any insurance payout to clear debts and this reduces profits.

It’s good news for industry as they don’t have to recruit and train more staff.

It’s good news for Joe public who lives more healthy for longer - or is it ? Freedom has been curtailed and more may be taken away as safety is taken out of our hands and put into those of the police.Maybe soon they will legislate away activity, defined by the great and the good, deemed not suitable for ‘the little people’.

As far as the seat belt laws go…if someone has to stop short by slamming on the brakes, and the seat belt stops her/him from slamming into the steering wheel or windshield and loosing control of the vehicle, I’m all for it. That is a law that protects others from someone’s utter stupidity, IMHO.

I am against laws making seat belts and helmets mandatory for adults.

HOWEVER, I am for laws for child seats for cars. If an adult wants to be stupid, that’s fine - they know the risks. But kids don’t know the risks, and also are passengers and not in control of the driving.

All that said, you WILL wear a seat-belt in my car or you can walk.

Yer pal,

Four months, three weeks, one day, 4 hours, 16 minutes and 16 seconds.
5767 cigarettes not smoked, saving $720.89.
Extra time with Drain Bead: 2 weeks, 6 days, 35 minutes.[/sub]

"Satan is not an unattractive person."-Drain Bead
[sub]Thanks for the ringing endorsement, honey!*[/sub]

I am opposed to seat belt laws!!! As my 2 recent traffic citations will attest to. I am an adult, it should be my decision. I also oppose mandatory liability insurance.

But I now comply with both 'cause it’s too expensive not to.

Only 90% of the time, eh?

:: writing out ticket ::

Sorry son, but it’s for your own good.

:: passes over ticked for $475.00 ::

You can make the check payable to ‘dewt’.



Hey, as long as you’re willing to accept a law that states I have the ability to collect damages from you when you run into me, I’m all for it. But be aware that when you can’t pay my million-dollar hospital bills, you will be forced to sell your home and all your possessions immediately, the judgment will be imposed on your living relatives, and you will be forced to turn over your entire paycheck or take out loans until the bills are paid.

Last I checked that was called “trolling” and some posters have been banned for it. Not a good plan if you want to stay around for a while.

For instance, I could start a thread with the following: “All Jewish posters are just wastes” looking for them to prove otherwise. If I didn’t get warned severely and then banned shortly thereafter if I didn’t retract that statement, I’d be very surprised.

There is a forum for “injecting inflammatory statements” . . . the Pit. I suggest you go there to do this, as elsewhere you’ll be TAKEN to the Pit for this kind of malarky.

Silliness. Flip that assertion of yours around for a moment, pk. Pregnancy and childbirth have devastating effects on a woman’s physical well being. Some women even die as a result of the experience. Perhaps abortions should be mandatory to preserve the health of all women, just like seatbelts, on the off chance that something could go horribly wrong.


I don’t have a firm position on seatbelts. But, I ask you this pkbites. [maude flanders voice]What about the children?![/maude flanders voice]

As Satan already alluded. What about kids who don’t know any better. Should they have mandatory seat belt laws for them. Should it be mandatory seat belts until your 18, then to hell with you? That’s what is currently in place for bike helmets in some cities. Or are kids intelligent enough to make their own decisions.

Tymp beat me to this. So ah well, again I’m not firm on seat belts, but the reasoning.
Seatbelts=saved lives
Abortion=saved lives

This also reminds me of a very funny bloom County cartoon. It was a presidental debate between Opus and Portnoy. Opus asked for the spped limit to be lowered to 50 to save 10,000 lives. Portnoy responded with the suggestion that it be lowered to 5 to save millions (or something like that). When Opus protestsed he accused him of supporting mass murder.

I am against mandatory seat belt and helmet laws. The only person you will hurt if you don’t wear your helmet is yourself.

I am against abortion. If you have an abortion you kill a baby. You aren’t making a decision for yourself that only affects yourself. You are taking another person’s life in your own selfish hands. (Don’t want to debate this. This is what I believe. You won’t change my mind. I am just stating my belief.)

Sorry Oldscratch. I am not going to buy the abortion=saved lives thing. Abortion=dead baby in my book.