about remote viewing

About remote viewing…
I would just like to say with regards to remote viewing, that I too was skeptical. I have been VERY skeptical about things like UFO’s, Out of Body travel, and all those other holloween sounding “contrivances” foster on us by our society. Still, I gave remote viewing a chance ( it’s day in court if you will ) and, as a resuilt have had to take a closer look. I took the HRVG online class.

I followed the program as I was asked and came up with some very astounding results that really defies conventional thinking. When you do a target blind, meaning you are only given an address which is the target ID number ( or letters ), and not given ANY other information, and you actually draw a picture of the target that is validated when the target address is “unlocked” for your inspection on a prearranged day, the result is nothing less than shock!

On one session I had generated data regarding “water”, “flooding”, a picture of a helicopter. When the target ID became available for my inspection I was quite astounded to find that indeed the picture was of a helicopter over water, the flooded Holeman Airfield in Minnesota from about two years ago.

The same thing happened with another session where I drew a picture of what looked like an upside down bolw turned slightly sideways with lines drawn in front of it, and words that had come to mind like, “people, music, clapping”. The picture I drew indeed looked like the Hollywood Bowl.

The target WAS the Hollywood Bowl. SO something was deffinitely going on that I could not explain with conventional thinking, but at the same time that does not mean the acceptance of magical thinking either.

However, not every RV session one does ends with that kind of success. Many sessions are only marginally good, meaning that while some of the data is congruent with the actual target, much of it is not, or is TOTALLY off.

How to explaine that? I don’t know, but I do know that that is no reason to dismiss RV out of hand.

I would suggest that we keep our skepticism. It’s a good thing if practiced properly. By that I mean a decided difference between blatent closed mindedness and real skeptical thinking where one “remains open to the truth REGARDless of what the possible truth might be.” Even if it violate our most cherished beliefs. That takes a real maturity rarely found on public discussion boards.

So what IS the truth about Remote Viewing? I don’t know. But I imagine if we take all that energy we have expended by saying something is bullshit, dismissing it out of hand, and applying that energy in real honest research, our own personal explorations or that done in a scientific lab, we might be able to find out.


I’m surprised you don’t have a response yet, so allow me to ask a question [or more correctly make a request] that I first posted in the earlier remote viewing thread that has not been adequately addressed.

Please describe the test method used during the trials you describe. Be specific enough so that I could faithfully reproduce the test on my own if so I wished. I’ll be honest with you; I am a skeptic, and it is my educated guess that there is a flaw in the test method, but hopefully you understand that extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof and are willing to take a critical look at these trials.

Flawed testing, especially when the flaws are subtle, can easily lead a person to embrace an erroneous premise. From the observer’s point of view, scientific method with due rigor has been applied, it is the logical next step to accept the hypothesis.

Would a successful demonstration of RV be eligible for the Randi prize? - I would think so.

Waverly, this is cross-posted. He evidently originally posted this here by clicking on New Thread instead of Post Reply. And then when he realized his mistake, he also put it over in the Remote Viewing in Hawaii: continuation of the Staff Reports thread. That’s okay, Robert, don’t sweat it. :slight_smile:

But I’m going to suggest that we keep all the discussion over there, so, Waverly, you might want to Copy and Paste your post over there. I’m gonna e-mail a mod and ask that this thread be locked, just in the interests of tidiness.

Not only is this cross-posted, but Mister Gargg has said the same basic thing at least three times now. I’m locking this thread off.